February 6, 1908

February 6, 1908

The Coasting Trade.

Alex. G. Baillie, Esq., of Port Hastings, C. B., who is the leader of the attempt to repel the "Norwegian invasion of our coasting waters," requests The Register to publish the following letter:

"DEAR FRIEND BAILLIE, - Your letters and papers duly received, thanking you very much for same. I have also received about fifty booklets, and have circulated them around to my friends who are interested in the good cause, and trust that it will come all right, and that our representative at Ottawa will take our coasters into consideration here. If not I know of one who will have a slim chance next polling day. Our young captains are not numerous; as for myself I am getting old and have lost all the money I had saved when I was in the foreign trade, and now I am looking for something better than coasting. I must state that I have lost about $900 since I started coasting in home waters, and the time has come when I cannot afford to lose any more money. I am trying to sell the schooner Union and give it up for good. I might have a claim on the Inverness Coal Company for my loss and detention, but you are aware that beggars cannot be choosers, and I have no money to spare; if I had, I would test my case with that Company and get my rights.

"Thanking you for the active part you have taken in this matter since I met you last and hoping that you will keep it up. I would have written you before only I was disabled with a crippled hand, but I am getting around again. Yours very truly,

"Lawrence Gerrior, Schr. Union.

"Arichat, C. B., Jan. 7, 1908."

We have every respect and all sympathy for Capt. Gerrior, but it is Protection and not the "Norwegian invasion" that has destroyed his business.
