August 31st 1898

August 31st 1898



At Scotts Bay, 19th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Otis Jess, a daughter.

At South Waterville, 20th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, twin daughters.

At Canning, Aug. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rand, a daughter.

At Berwick, Aug 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Wilband, a daughter.


At White Rock, Aug 17th, by the Rev J. Williams, Albert H Fancy and Ethel May Reid, all of White Rock.


At Halls Harbor, Aug 23rd, Mr. Asaph Balser, aged 74 years.

(There is one more death, but the name and date are gone. The edge of the paper is worn away)


Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jefferson left on Monday for Toronto, to attend the General Conference of the Methodist church.

Miss Bessie McNeil left on Saturday for Amherst, where she has a position as teacher in the Academy.

Miss Lena E. Middlemas, of the Victoria General Hospital staff, arrived on Wednesday of last week, to spend a fortnight's vacation with her parents in Berwick.

Mrs. Chipman, wife of Rev. O. N. Chipman, who, with her little daughter Miss Evelyn, has been visiting friends in Berwick, left on Monday to return to her home at Great Village, Colchester Co.

The marriage of Percy R. Bently of Middleton and Miss Nellie Masters of Kentville takes place at the Kentville Baptist Church this morning at 10.30.

Willis Margeson has charge of the school in South Berwick.

Mrs. I. S. Pineo, of Waterville, left on Monday last to visit her sons in Boston.

Mr. James Morton, of Kansas City, son of Mrs. Caroline Morton, of Kentville, with his wife, is visiting his former home and friends in this county. At present they are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Palmer, Welsford.

Mr. Abner F. Newcombe, of Bridgetown, son of the late Mr. John S. Newcombe, of Church St, Cornwallis, and a graduate of Acadia, was ordained at Amherst during the sittings of the recent conference of the Baptist churches.

B. H. Dodge, Esq., M. P. O., was in Berwick yesterday.

The Truro Daily News says, "Miss Grace Eaton has returned from her visit to Kentville, accompanied by her friends Miss Laura and Miss Ethylberta Marchant. The Misses Marchant are well remembered in Truro, as two bright students of a recent "A class of the Normal School."

Rev. C. R. Minard, of Palmer, Mass. is visiting relatives in Brooklyn St.

Mrs. T. Wilson Bell, of Truro, with her two children, has been for the past week the guest of Mrs. Melbourne Marchant, The Elms, Cornwallis.

Miss Elizabeth Sommerville wheeled to Canard on Tuesday evening of last week, where she attended the wedding of her friend, Miss Borden, returning to her duties in the post office on Friday morning.

Mr. Charles Norwood, Sr., of Berwick, celebrated his 83rd birthday on Monday, Aug. 22nd by walking out to A. W. Borden's, a distance of four miles, and spending the day.

Mr. Percy J. Shaw is teaching at Canard.

Dr. M. S. Read left yesterday to return to his duties as professor of Philosophy at Hamilton College, Colgate, N. Y.

Hon. Edward Blake was a passenger on the steamship Labrador, which arrived at Quebec last Friday night from Liverpool.

Rev. F. E. Bishop and Mrs. Bishop are visiting Mr. Bishop's parents in Somerset.

Capt. C. O. Allen and Mrs. Allen were passengers by the afternoon express yesterday. They will visit friends in this county for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Urquhart of Hampton, N. B. are visiting friends in Berwick. Mrs. Urquhart is a daughter of Dr. Alex. McL. Sommerville of Hampton, formerly of this county.

COLLISION. - The steamer Prince Rupert, Captain Potter, from St. John on Wednesday morning, when about two miles outside of Partridge Island, at about 8.20 in a thick fog, ran into the packet schooner Silver Cloud. Captain Baine, plying between St. John and Digby, with full general cargo for Digby, striking her aft the main rigging and crushing in her side. The crew was taken on board the steamer and an attempt was made to tow the schooner, which soon filled and capsized. She was afterwards secured and taken into St. John.

WARREN Guy wins. - At the races at Portland, Maine, on Wednesday last, Warren Guy, Harry Lydiard's brown stallion won the 2 19 trot - purse $1000 - in three straight heats. Time 2.14 1/4, 2.14 1/4, 2.14 3/4. The result seems to have been a surprise to New England gamblers and sportsmen.

Miss Mary M. Jenkins, daughter of the late Charles Jenkins, died at her residence, Yarmouth, Aug. 25th after a week's illness of cholera. She was about 57 years of age and leaves two sisters, Mrs. Fred Peterkin, Yarmouth, and Mrs. Mealey, of Berwick.

The barn of John Waller, Halifax road, Truro, was struck by lightning last week and the roof injured; did not catch fire. It also struck a tree near the barn. A milking stool was thrown across the barn floor from behind the cows, but the animals escaped injury.

SAD ACCIDENT AT HALIFAX. - Harry A. Ancient, son of the Rev. W. J. Ancient, of Halifax, was drowned while bathing at Green Bank on Wednesday morning of last week. He was a young man of more than ordinary promise, and a favorite with all who knew him. He graduated from King's College in June last, and had been appointed to the position of Assistant Master in the Collegiate School, Windsor. He was 26 years of age. Much sympathy is expressed for the bereaved relatives. His father, Rev. W. J. Ancient, gained a worldwide reputation by his heroic conduct at the time of the wreck of the steamer Atlantic in 1873.


Long Island.

One of the finest beaches in Nova Scotia. Its situation on the Basin of Minas, in the heart of


in full view of Old Blomidon, makes it a most interesting and romantic resort.
Every convenience in the way of Bath Houses, Bathing Suits, Refreshment Stand, Tables for Picnics, Swings, etc.



Mon. 1st


Tues. 16th


Tues. 2nd


Wed. 17th


Wed. 3rd


Thu. 18th


Thu. 4th


Fri. 19th


Fri. 5th


Sat. 20th


Sat. 6th


Mon. 22nd


Mon. 8th


Tue. 23rd


Tue. 9th


Wed. 24th


Wed. 10th


Thu. 25th


Thu. 11th


Fri. 26th


Fri. 12th


Sat. 27th


Sat. 13th


Mon. 29th


Mon. 15th


Tue. 30th



Wed. 31st




Thu. 1st


Tues. 6th


Fri. 2nd


Wed. 7th


Sat. 3rd


Thur. 8th


Mon. 5th


Fri. 9th



Sat. 10th



No tobacco or intoxicating drinks sold. Closed Sundays.
No charge made for picnics except for heating water, etc.


British Columbia is organizing for the Prohibition Campaign. At a late meeting held, it was agreed to raise $5,000 for the purpose of stirring up an agitation in connection with the plebiscite.

Mr. Banks, of Farmington, Annapolis Co., is manager of the Cheese factory at Milford, Hants Co. He is turning out an excellent article of cheese and is winning friends by his genial manner.

A Work of Travel - The tern Schooner E. Merriam, which sailed from Bridgewater on July 12th for Madeira arrived on August 7th, all well. Mr. P.F. Lawson. Formerly of this office, is on board the E. Merriam, and an account of the voyage will interest the readers of the Register at an early date.

The latest news from Corea, where the Rev W.R. and Mrs. Foote have gone to labor, is most cheering. The first railroad built in that country is now completed. The whole land is open to the Gospel and multitudes are ready to break from their old superstitions and sins. A church that would hold thousands could be filled to day in the capital.

The Midland Railway - At a meeting of the ratepayers of Truro, held in that town Aug. 22nd, a bonus of thirty thousand dollars was voted to the Midland Railway Company to build the road from Windsor to Truro, via Clifton, instead of via Brookfield. The total vote polled was 304 for and 81 against.

ANGLO-AMERICAN ALLIANCE.- Canadian Laborers on their way to the Manitoba harvest fields, traveling by the Grand Trunk, were refused permission to cross the United States Boundary line at Port Huron. The U. S. officials alleged that they were contract laborers under the terms of the Alien labor law.

ST. SWITHIN got in his work this year in great style. If he was out for a record he probably got it. His forty days of dampness was supposed to be up Tuesday night, but the old gentleman threw in Wednesday and Thursday for good measure. It is a shame for him to make this generation suffer for the mistakes of a past one. The probability is that no one now would want to interfere with his resting-place if he would only be quiet where he is. (Windsor Tribune)

Dr. A. Birt requests that payment of all accounts due him be made on or before Sept. 30th. Those unsettled at that date will be reluctantly left for collection.


Miss Bessie Martin returned to Lawrence on Friday last.

Mr. W.E. Harris intends leaving today to resume his studies at Kirksville, Missouri.

Miss Lelia Loomer is visiting friends in Aylesford.

Miss Angie Lee left on Saturday to take charge of the school at Sheffield Mills.

Mrs. Scott is visiting friends in this place.

We are very sorry to report Mr. L.O. Neily on the sick list.

Rev J.T. and Mrs. Eaton were the guests of Mrs. Grant Parker for a portion of last week.

Mr. Willie Skinner returned form Boston on Monday.

We are glad to learn that Evelyn Neily, who has been seriously ill, is recovering.

Rev H.N. and Mrs. Parry, of Melvern Square, spent Sunday in this place and Mr. Parry, much to the delight of the young people, led their meeting in the evening.

It is rumored that we will have the privilege of attending a marriage in the Baptist church on Wednesday next.

A very pleasant day was spent in Halifax on Saturday and many of the excursionists were delighted with the city that they stopped over Sunday. We have no doubt that those who planned to stay when they left home enjoyed themselves very much better than those who decided to remain after the train had left the depot in the evening and realized fully that "what can't be cured must be endured."


School reopened on Monday, Miss Ferguson, of Hantsport, and Miss Lena Benjamin, of this place, are the teachers. It is hoped the new school house will be ready to move into at the first of the year.

Mr. Sydney Duncan returned to Boston last Saturday, after a visit of three weeks with friends here.

Mr. E.A. Davidson has made extensive improvements to his house this summer, and is now having a neat fence put around it and the garden.

On Wednesday last the Sabbath School and Division held their annual picnic at Oak Island. It was a pleasant day and all seemed to enjoy themselves.

Miss Cassie Benjamin and Master Ross Coldwell were successful candidates for grade D certificates at the recent examinations. Their aggregate marks are 526 and 464.


Mr. and Mrs. McLennan, of Brookfield, Queens Co., returned to their home on Saturday after visiting friends here.

Miss Clara Lewis has been home resting for a few weeks. She returned on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams and son Jack, spent a day in the village last week.

Miss Howell has been visiting her friend, Mrs. J.E. Kinsman.

Miss Edith Smith and brother, from Yarmouth, are visiting at Mr. J.W. Woodworth's.

We are glad to learn that Mrs. Perry Wheaton is recovering from her recent illness.

Miss Bessie Cunningham has been called home on account of her brother's illness.

Miss Effie Huntley, from Avonport, who has been spending several weeks with her aunt, returned to her home last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Huntley, from Avonport, made a short visit to the village last week.

Our school opened on Monday under the management of Miss Alberta Webster.


Our school opened on Monday, the 22nd, with a large attendance. Miss Jennie Craig is teacher. During vacation we made some repairs on the inside of our school room. We sheathed the walls, painted the whole woodwork, put in new blackboards, and kalsomined the ceiling. Our room now will compare favorably with any in the county, and is comfortable and attractive.

J. Howe Cox, Esq., attended the Provincial shooting at Bedford and did so well that he has secured a place on the Ottawa team. He left for Ottawa on Friday last, and expects to be gone some eight or ten days.

Mr. Cox has purchased the patent right for Nova Scotia of the celebrated apple basket invented and patented by Mr. Benjamin Sanford, of Woodville. On Mr. Cox's return he expects to go over the apple growing section of the province, and introduce the new basket.

Miss Oaks, from Halifax, with her little niece, Miss Hilda Storey, is spending some weeks with Mrs. C. W. F. Webster.

Mrs. Henry Borden, of Church St., spent last week at her old home.

Old Mrs. Craig is visiting her daughter, Mrs. McConnell, at Welsford.

Mr. F. R. Rachford and wife took in the Odd Fellows excursion to Halifax.

On Tuesday of last week the Methodist Sabbath School of Berwick held their picnic on the Cambridge picnic grounds. Mr. Enos Knowlton kindly allowed them the use of his boat, and the picnickers expressed themselves as well pleased with the whole affair. The Berwick Band was in attendance and gave us some good music from the water.

On Saturday the South Berwick School enjoyed a similar excursion.

Cambridge Division is still "Holding the Fort," and is at present quite interested in the coming election. At their last meeting on Saturday evening the question "Was the United States justified in declaring war against Spain?" was debated. The affirmative was upheld by Mr. David E. Woodman and the negative by Mr. Acel West. On division a majority appeared for Mr. West.

Mrs. J. Howe Cox, of Cambridge, is entertaining friends from the States the past week. Among her guests are her sister, Mrs. A. E. Brougham, and Miss Winnie Brougham, Mrs. G. F. Harris and Miss Idelle Purinton, all from Boston. They purpose to stay a month in Nova Scotia and have already visited a number of adjoining towns. One day last week they had a pleasant drive to Evangeline Beach and enjoyed a dip in the briny deep. They start for Halifax Saturday to spend a few days. Mr. Cox intends meeting them on his return from his trip to Ottawa and will show them places of interest. Mrs. Cox will accompany them, also Mrs. Parsons and daughter Mabel and Miss B. Pitcher, of Halifax, and Mrs. A. J. Bounell and nephew Harold Bounell, of New York. Mrs. Cox's time is fully occupied making everything as pleasant as possible for her many friends and through her kindness they cannot help but carry away with them very pleasant memories of their visit to her pretty home.


Rev. D. O. Parker has rented his Highland Lodge to Mr. H. W. Davison late of Hantsport, who will move into it tomorrow. In the meantime Mr. Parker is moving for the present, to rooms in his cottage, first door west on Parker Terrace. These rooms he will retain furnished for a summer resort. He has furnished a flat in Boston and will spend the winter there with his wife and daughters. Mr. Parker is sending a carload of furniture, books and various household effects to Berwick to be sold at auction on Wednesday next, as announced by posters.

A large number of students boarded themselves last year and more will do so the coming year if they can obtain rooms, the call for which is greater than the supply.

The tourist travel to Wolfville, this year, has been somewhat disappointing, though at present large numbers are in town.

The business men of the town are exultant over the opening of another Bank in Wolfville with its large and fast growing business, to be conducted on more liberal and accommodating principles.

North Kingston:

Mrs. J. Jones and family, who have been visiting her mother, Mrs. Robt. Neily, for a few weeks, returned to Boston on Monday.

Mr. J. H. Eaton is on the sick list this week.

The service in the Methodist Church on Sunday was devoted to the subject of prohibition. Addresses were given by the pastor, Rev. Jos. Gaetz; Rev. Wm. Ryan and rev. Jas. E. Hughson, formerly of Halifax.

Misses Zilpha and Annie Hudgins returned to Boston on Monday.

Eli Gaetz, of Halifax, is spending a few days vacation, the guest of Mr. Zebulon Welton.

It is reported that our cattle drover, Mr. Manning Armstrong, has bought a place at Middleton and intends moving there. We will be sorry to lose Mr. Armstrong from our community.

A large number of our Division members and others took in the excursion on Saturday to Halifax.

Mr. Whit Neily has purchased the engine and thresher from D. M. Outhit, has fitted it up at home and is now prepared to do any amount of work and there seems to be considerable work on hand.

(last two line paragraph not legible due to worn page edges.)

Scotts Bay:

Mr. Bent gave a graphophone concert on the evening of the 18th inst, which was greatly enjoyed.

Miss Neita Brison and her brother Foster, of West Gore, Hants County visited friends at Scotts Bay last week.

Mr. Horace Steele met with a painful accident recently by a rifle cartridge exploding and the contents striking him in the face.

The Rev. Bryant McLellan, of Somerville, Mass., occupied the pulpit in the Advent church on the afternoon and evening of Sunday last.

Mrs. J. R. Shaw and Mrs. Alex Steele are visiting friends in Grafton.

The school at North Scotts Bay has reopened with Miss Eloise Palmeter as teacher, Miss Lloyd has returned to her school in the South Section.
