August 25th 1897

August 25th 1897



At the Baptist church, Cambridge, Aug. 18th, by Re. E.O. Read, Mrs. J. Everett Kinsman, of Centreville, and Miss Lulu E. daughter of the late Albert Webster Esq., of Cambridge.

At Wolfville, 12th inst., by Rev. Jos. Hale, John Ellis of Halifax, and Alice O'Brien, of Wolfville.


At Spa Springs, Annapolis Co., Aug. 13th, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. G.R. Marshall of Hailfax, N.S.

At South Berwick, 17th inst., John Gordon Laird, infant son of Francis and Anita Abbott, aged 11 months and 24 days.

At Wolfville, 18th inst. (could be the 18th..PV), of quinsy, Nathaniel Spencer, aged 24 years.

On board steamer Boston, Aug. 13th,? Fletcher, son of Frank and Labia Pineo, aged 6 months.

Victoria Harbor:

Mrs. James Hicks and son Ambrose, of Salem, Mass., are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Hicks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Brown. Mrs. Hicks was formerly a resident of Victoria Harbor.

Capt Wallace Kirkpatrick's schr., Ethel B., is expected here shortly to load cord wood.

There is considerable sickness in town.


The farmers in this vicinity are blessed with fine crops of hay. Some of them have their barns full and will not have room for their grain, which they intend having threshed in the fields. Among the many are William Armstrong and Richard Marshall.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Harvey, of Kentville, spent three days last week with Mrs. Harvey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Armstrong.

The Roman Catholic chapel at Woodlawn is undergoing repairs at present, under the superintendence of Mr. Wm Walsh of, Gaspereau.

Mrs. Harry Selfridge, of Millville, is at present at Mr. John Donnellan's, enjoying the sea breezes of old Fundy.

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. West, of Aylesford, were the guests of R. S. Armstrong last Sabbath.

Mrs. Aubrey Balser, of Aylesford, is ill at Mrs. William Howell's.

We are glad to see Loring S. Armstrong at home again from sea.

Aubrey Balser is cutting Mr. W. Howell's hay, which is a very large crop.

Richard Marshall has recently purchased a top buggy.

Mr. Henry Ray, of Berwick, is visiting friends here. Mr. Ray was formerly a resident of Burlington. We are glad to see our old friends again.

Rust is affecting the potatoes in some localities very badly, and some of the tubers show the rot very much. It is feared that there will be a short crop.

Canady Creek:

Bay parties seem to be the prevailing fashion at present and we hope they may continue, as it shows how many appreciate our beautiful mountain air.

Mrs. Susan Mahar is spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. William Gould.

Mrs. Mary White has been spending a few weeks in Berwick for medical treatment. We are pleased to say, she has fully recovered.

Mr. Isaac Margeson, of Dorchester, Mass., is spending a few weeks with Mrs. William Gould.

The Rev. Mr. West, of Canning, has been holding some very interesting meetings during the past week. We trust he will remain with us longer.

Master George Robinson has been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Annie Robinson, for a few days.

Mr. Booth, of Somerville, Mass., is spending a few weeks at Canady Creek for his health.

Mrs. David Fraser and Mr. Emerson were the guests of Mrs. H. Dickey on Saturday.

There was a pie social in the schoolhouse recently for the benefit of Mr. Wells, who met with a serious accident. The sum of nine dollars was realized.

The Rev. Mr. Axford, of Church St., was the guest of Mrs. E. Schnarr last week.

Mrs. Jones and family are staying at Canady Creek for a few weeks.

Mrs. Forman White was visiting at Mrs. Dickey's last week.

Capt. J. Gould spent Sunday at his home.

The schr Minnie left here last week for Parrsboro.

Frank Thomas spent last Sunday at home.

Bezanson - Putnam

A despatch from Newburyport, Mass., to the Boston Herald, says:

"Elder Walter S. Bezanson, pastor of the Charter Street Church, and Miss Florence T. Putnam, were united in marriage Aug. 15th, at the home of the bride's parents, on Franklin street, by Elder W. H. Murphy, of Everett.

"The ceremony was performed in the parlor, which was tastefully decorated with flowers. Miss Mabel Lang, of Newburyport, was bridesmaid, and G. H. Cloyes, of Somerville, was best man. The bride was dressed in a white mull gown, trimmed with white lace, and wore a long tulle veil.

"A reception was held from 2 to 4, and many friends gave congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Bezanson left on a late afternoon train for the White Mountains. The happy couple received a purse filled with gold from the church over which Mr. Bezanson is settled. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Bezanson will make their home on Federal Street, Newburyport."

(Elder Bezanson is a native of Grafton. His friends in this county will unite with us in congratulations and best wishes).

The funeral of the late J. Nelson Gardiner took place at Yarmouth, on Tuesday of last week, and was very largely attended. The Yarmouth brass band was in attendance. Scotia Lodge of Masons turned out in force, as well as sister societies. The temperance societies, including the Sons of Temperance and the Junior Temple of Honor, were also in the ranks. The interment was at Mountain Cemetery.


Flat Hoops for Apple and Cranberry Barrels.

These hoops cannot be made from our native woods, to bear the strain needed for shipment to foreign markets, without the patent chemical preparation which is the sole property of the Annapolis Manufacturing Co. Limited, of Lequille. The hoop made at Lequille, for apple, cranberry and cider barrels, bears the greatest strain of any hoop manufactured either here or in Ontario.

Agents: Berwick - Arthur S. Magee, Aylesford - L.O. Neily & Co., Auburn - E.I.L. Bishop.

 To the Klondike:

Capt. H.H. Norwood, of Berwick, has been appointed an Inspector of Mines in the Klondike region. The captain's experience in the Arctic regions will be of great value to him in his new field of labor. He will start in a few days.

Miss E.E. Ernst, graduate Optician, will be in Berwick and pleased to see all who require her services, at the office of Dr. March on the 14th and 15th September.

The Schools - Berwick school will be open for the ensuing term on Monday next, Aug. 30th. The only change in the teaching staff is in the Preparatory department, which will be under the charge of Miss Ina Chipman.


Harborville has become very popular as a summer resort, and is full of visitors.

Miss Stella Balcom is home on a visit to her parents.

Mrs. Wm McBride is the guest of Capt. S. McBride.

Dr. Fred Parker is spending a few days at his old home and has with him a friend from New Glasgow.

Mrs. Thos. Saunders has two daughters at home from the United States.

The Misses Cahill have been spending a few weeks with their father, Mr. Jas Cahill.

The Baptist Sunday school, of Berwick, held their picnic here on Tuesday, the 13th inst.

Saturday the 14th was marked by the event of the season. The Welsford Sunday school was over on a picnic excursion. Several Berwick parties drove the Evangelists, Crossley, Hunter and Kerby and a few friends, over to the shore for a day's outing. With characteristic kindness Mrs. Parker and the young ladies of the CE provided dinner and tea for the whole company. In the afternoon people from far and near crowded the church to hear the evangelists. The strangers were loud in their praises of Harborville's hospitality, and Harborville enjoyed the visit of the strangers and will be pleased to receive another visit from them.

North Kingston:

Mr. James Nixon of Littleton, Mass., formerly of this place, is making a short visit among relatives and friends here.

Miss Jessie B. Eaton left on Friday last to attend the Baptist convention in St John.

The following were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Eaton last week, Mr. George De W Miller and two sons, George and Benjamin, of Newton, Mass., Prof and Mrs. E.R. Morse and Masters Paul and Guy, of Southwest Virginia Institute, Bristol, Tennessee, and Miss Ida Morse of Paradise, and Rev. C.R. Minard, pastor of the Baptist church at Palmer, Mass.

Mrs. Hy Cummings and child of Boston is visiting her Aunt Mrs. H. Cassidy.

Miss Maggie Killam is spending a few months vacation with her father, John Killam Esq.

The members of the Methodist church intend having a tea meeting on Sept. 8th to assist in repairing the church.


Miss Mabel Clark arrived home on Friday last.

George White left yesterday to return to Boston.

Max Clarke returned to Bridgewater, on Saturday.

Judge Chipman, of Kentville, was in Berwick on Monday.

W.G. Parsons, Esq., of Middleton, was in Berwick on Saturday.

Miss Unie Magee, of Somerset, is teaching at Sackville, Halifax Co.

Miss Mary Sommerville left yesterday for Truro on a short vacation.

Geo. D. Killam, of Somerset, left yesterday to return to Lynn, mass.

Mrs. L.D. Robinson and children returned from Halifax on Saturday evening.

Mr. Frank Clem of Bristol, R.I., has been visiting his parents, at Garland, for two weeks.

Miss Ella Palmer and Miss Winnie Spicer, from Welsford, are visiting in Windermere.

Rev. H.W. Watjen, of Warren, R.I., has been the guest of Mrs. Alfred Clem, Garland.

Mr. and Mrs. I.B. Dodge, of Lawrence, Mass., are visiting their former homes in Nova Scotia.

Mr. J.P. Neily of the Kandy Kitchen, has the thanks of the Register staff for a generous gift of fruit and confectionery.

Mrs. James H. Hicks and son Ambrose, of Salem, Mass., are visiting her parents in Victoria and other relatives in this county. They expect to return on Friday.

Rev. C.W. Corey, of Charlottetown, was elected President of the Ministerial institute, at the 53rd annual session of the Maritime Baptist Convention, held in St John last week.

Mr. J.W. Borden, of the Union Bank agency, Kentville, has been appointed accountant of the Department of Militia at Ottawa. He succeeded Mr. O'Mears, who has been superannuated. His salary is $2,400.

Dr T.P. Stevenson, of Philadelphia, is expected to assist Rev. T. McFall at the celebration of the Lord's Supper on Sabbath, Sept. 5th. Dr and Mrs. Stevenson will arrive in Berwick on Wednesday next.


Mrs. M.P. Freeman has returned from her visit to Halifax.

Miss Winnie Card spent camp meeting week with friends in Berwick.

Mrs. R.H. Lamont, of Kentville, spent two weeks recently with her mother, Mrs. Steadman.

Miss Grace Forsythe, of Hyde Park, Mass., is visiting at her uncle’s, T.H. Forsythe’s.

Mrs. Hart, of Halifax, is the guest of Mrs. M.P. Freeman.

Mrs. Arthur Vincent and child, of Isaac’s Harbor, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Sweet.

Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Bill spent a week in Berwick attending the camp meeting.

Miss Sanford, of Wolfville, is visiting at C.B. Lamont’s.

Miss Blanche Forsyth spent a week in Somerset, the guest of Mrs. Morton.

Mrs. Huntington, of Aylesford, was the guest of Mrs. W.S. Sweet last week.

Mr. Reginald Lantz returned to his home in Massachusetts, Saturday, 7th.

Quite a number of our citizens attended the Ice Cream Social held in Dunham’s hall, Lakeville.

Rev and Mrs. M.P. Freeman celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary on Monday, 9th, by a reception for the church and congregation. On account of the busy time of the year not as many were present as were expected. All kind of pleasing outdoor games were played, the garden being lit by Japanese lanterns. It looked very beautiful. All went home wishing their host and hostess many more years of happy life.

The annual picnic of the Baptist S.S. was held at Hall’s Harbor. The day being fine a goodly number attended. All were well pleased with the enjoyable time spent.

Rev Mr. Denovan of Wolfville preached in the Baptist church Aug. 15th, and also took charge of the evening service.
