August 24th 1898

August 24th 1898



At Morden, Aug 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Hennigar Ritchie, a daughter.

At West New Glasgow, Aug 12th, to Dr F.H. (might be E.H.) Parker and wife, a daughter.

At Billtown, Aug 10th, to Rev and Mrs. A.J. Vincent, of Isaac's Harbor, a daughter.

A CANADIAN HEROINE - The first Red Cross nurse to die in the recent war in active service while tending wounded is a Canadian, Miss Dorothy Phinney. A telegram received from Chickamauga by Dr. Lesser, of Kings county hospital, Brooklyn, announces that Miss Phinney died in Camp Thomas of intermittent fever on Tuesday. She was a native of Richibucto, N.B.

YARMOUTH CITIZEN DEAD - Geo R. Smith of Yarmouth passed away on Saturday night, after a tedious and painful illness. In early life he was engaged in carrying on a dry goods business but for many years has been engaged as town assessor, municipal stipendiary magistrate and secretary of the fire department. He was a quiet and upright citizen. He leaves a widow and one daughter, Miss Elsie Smith, who has spent much of her time in South Berwick during the past two years. Mr. Smith was 68 years of age.

Two Harvest Excursions to Canadian North West:

Second class round trip tickets will be on sale on Tuesday, August 30th and September 13th only, at following rates; viz, to Winnipeg, Portage la Prairie, Brandon, Deloraine, Easton, Estevan, Binscarth, Moosomin and Winnipegosis $28.00 each; Regina, Moosejaw and Yorkton $30.00 each; Prince Albert and Calgary $35.00 each; Red Deer and Edmonton $40.00 each. Tickets will be good for continuous passage starting on day of sale, and via the All Rail line of C.P.R., St John, N.B., via Port Arthur to destination, returning same route, and will be good for return passage within 60 days from date sold.

The Toronto Globe says:-

"Canadians were among the first to fall in the fighting line at Santiago; and now a Canadian girl, Miss Phinney, of New Brunswick, is the first of the Red Cross nurses in Cuba to give her life in the fever hospitals there. With millions of men and women like the Canadian heroes of the war the Dominion need fear no foes. But the men who are moulding the future of this country should not permit these elements of safety to be lessened in the smallest degree. These young men and women should so far as possible be saved to their native country. They should be kept in our own Dominion which is large enough for them all. They are worth more to Canada than any number of immigrants.

Railway Accident near Boston:

A fearful accident occurred at Sharon, Mass., on the line of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railway, at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday last, by which at least six persons were killed and about 20 were badly injured. The first section of the train from Mansfield, called the Mansfield local, was due to arrive at 7:15. It got in thirteen minutes late and had just stopped when the New Bedford train came in on time and crashed into the rear of the local telescoping the rear cars. The collision almost completely wrecked both trains. The scene of the disaster is about twenty miles from Boston.

Married in Boston:

A very pretty wedding took place in Boston, on Sunday, Aug. 14th, at 1 p.m., the principals being Jotham Blaisdell Wells, of Boston, and Abigail, daughter of William V. Brown, of Berwick. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. M. Kelsey, of Berkeley Temple. The marriage was solemnized at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pendleton. The parlors were handsomely decorated with palms, ferns and potted plants. The bride was becomingly attired in green organdie over silk, and was the recipient of many useful and valuable presents. Mr. and Mrs. Wells left soon after the wedding for a short trip. Upon their return they will reside at 524 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston.

Plebiscite Convention:

In accordance with resolutions passed at a meeting of the friends of Prohibition held at Wolfville on the 10th inst., a convention was held at Coldbrook on the 2oth inst. for the purpose of perfecting organization for the plebiscite campaign. After devotional exercises, led by the Rev. Joseph Gaetz, the minutes of the Wolfville meeting were read and adopted.

The following officers were then elected: -

President, Dr. H. Chipman; Sect'y, R.R. Duncan; Treas., A.A. Pineo; Asst. Sect'y, B.O. Davison; Vice Presidents, - Ward 1, N.W. Eaton; 2, T.J. Borden; 3, W.C. Bill; 4, J.E. Dunham; 5, W.K. Bennett; 6, H.G. Harris; 7, Jehiel Martin; 8, C.A. Patriquin; 9, F.G. Curry; 10, L.O. Neily; 11, (blank) Wilson; 12, William Holland; 13, C.I. Wolfe; 14, D.B. Parker; Vice presidents at large, Rev H.R. Hatch, Mrs. Jacob Potter.

Executive committee: - C.I. Wolfe, C.A. Patriquin, A.N. McLeod, J.E. Hennigar, with the president and secretary.

Committee on Organization: - Capt. J.B. Tingley, Capt. J.B. Tooker, A.D. Nichols, Henry Lovett, John Killam.

Finance Committee: - H.G. Harris, John Chambers, Rev. P.M. MacDonald, William Armstrong.

Literature Committee: - Prof. J.F. Tufts, B.O. Davison, Rev Joseph Gaetz, A.N. McLeod, W.H. Farnham.

Delegates to Provincial Convention, W.H. Farnham, Capt. J.B. Tingley, Henry Lovett, Rev. W. Ryan, R.R. Duncan.

The Committee on Literature was authorized to procure campaign literature.

A Committee was appointed to address a letter to the several clergymen asking them to preach special sermons during the next few weeks.

Convention adjourned to meet at call of president.


Miss Blanche Margeson and brother Ray, of Halifax, are visiting at Mrs. Andrew Spicer's, Welsford.

Mr. Fred L. Strong arrived from Boston on Saturday.

Mr. O. M. Sanford, Field Secretary of the N. S. Sabbath School Association, is in Berwick.

Miss Elmira A. Palmeter, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Palmeter, of Burlington, returned to Boston on Thursday last.

Mr. Fred Carlyle, once of the late Thorndyke Hotel, who has been visiting his friends in Nova Scotia, left on Wednesday last to return to Boston.

Miss May Bennett, of Somerset, arrived from Boston on Wednesday last.

Miss Minnie Thorpe is visiting friends in Wilmot.

Mrs. Wm. Ellis left on Saturday for a brief visit in Halifax.

Mr. W. R. Parsons of Halifax spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Berwick.

Mr. Malcolm Green arrived from Boston on Monday.

Master George Robinson, who has been spending some weeks with his grand parents at Somerset, left yesterday to return to Boston.

Miss Emma Archibald of Yarmouth has taken charge of the school at Grand Pre.

Maj. Gen. Laurie M. P., arrived from England on Tuesday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Berteaux, who, with their little daughter Marguerite, have been visiting his parents in Somerset, will return to Boston on Monday next.

Rev. A. Martell, of Wolfville, occupied the pulpit of the Baptist Church on Sunday last, in the absence of the pastor, who is attending the Convention at Amherst.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Ellis returned to Boston on Monday. Mr. W. W. Ellis accompanied them.


Mrs. Manson West, of Delhaven, and little daughter, paid a visit to her mother, Mrs. Stephen Spicer. She was accompanied by Mrs. Davidson.

Mr. Henry Finley is recovering from the injury received from a kick by his horse.

Capt. Wallace Kirkpatrick left Victoria Harbor on the 15th, in his schr. Ethel B., for Boston.

Mr. John Mapleback and brother Emery are visiting their grand mother, Mrs. Ann McKinlay.

Canady Creek:

We have enjoyed beautiful summer weather through the past week, and an unusual number of friends from Berwick and vicinity have visited us for a day's outing.

Messrs. Bruce and Herbert White, from Boston, with their families, have been spending a week here. Lawyer Carvell and Mr. George White, of Fredericton, accompanied by their families, were also of the party.

Mrs. Fred Yeadon, of Everett, Mass., is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Robinson.

The little daughters of Capt. Will Rawding, who have been visiting their grand parents at Black Rock, returned to Waterville on Wednesday.

Sheffield Mills:

Mrs. S. M. Bentley, of Truro, visited friends here recently.

Farmers are busy harvesting.

We learn that Mr. Wilson Sandford intends removing his mill from here another year.

Our teachers for the coming school year Miss Lee and Miss Webster, were at the Mills last week.

Mr. David Harris and wife from the United States have been visiting relatives here and at Canard.

Mrs. Saunders and daughter are spending a few weeks at Kingsport.

Messrs. John Hume and Bertrand Beckwith intend visiting Chester soon.

A large number from the Mills and Canard enjoyed a picnic at Evangeline Beach last week.

Miss Annie Borden has taken the school at Kingsport for the ensuing year.


The tea meeting held on the lawn at Maple Ridge by the members of the Baptist church, was a success both socially and financially. About $50 was realized.

On Thursday the members of the Y.P.S. C.E. and B.Y.P.U. of this place enjoyed a day's outing at Black Rock, some going in single or double teams and some on their wheels. If a passer by could judge we would say the wheelmen were the jolliest lot of all.

Mr. F. McIntosh returned on Saturday after an absence of five weeks, which he spent in Pictou and Colchester Co's.

C. L. West arrived last week, having spent part of his vacation camping with friends in Maine. He will return the 1st of September to resume the principalship of Patterson school, New Jersey.

Mrs. (Dr.) H. H. Best has returned from Halifax and is now visiting her mother, Mrs. Fisher.

Emerson Reed, of Bear River, spent last week in town.

Our teachers have nearly all deserted us and have entered upon their duties for another year. Miss Young, Misses Elsie and Carrie Best have resumed work in their former schools; Boyd Bowles has gone to Brooklyn, Hants Co., Miss Bessie McIntosh, to North Alton, Miss L. Woodroffe goes to New Minas next week, and Miss Banks will resume work in Kentville on the opening of the academy.

The Misses Blackadder who have been the guests of Mrs. (?) Sawyer for two weeks returned to Halifax on Monday.

Harry Sawyer was one of the excursionists to Halifax on Saturday.

Mr. James Woodroffe is on a business trip to Hants Co.

Mr. A. M. Vaughan, of Lynn, Mass., returned on Tuesday, having spent his vacation visiting friends in Hants and Kings Co. The genial face of Albert will be greatly missed among his many friends.

Miss Cropley, of Kingston, was the guest of Miss Teressa Margeson last week.

Mrs. Brown and little daughter, of Allston, Mass., are the guests of Mrs. C. I. Wolf.

Misses Lida and Lena Woodroffe visited friends in Brooklyn St. last week.

Miss Edna Skinner has returned from visiting her sister Mrs. Betton of Kentville.

Rev. Mr. Hawley will not be home next Sabbath but hopes to fill his regular appointments at Lakeville, Berwick and Waterville on the Sabbath following, Sept. 4th.


Mrs. Harry Kinsman and niece Miss Clara Rand spent Camp Meeting week in Berwick and Somerset.

Rev. M. P. and Miss Bessie Freeman have returned from their visit in Annapolis.

Miss McMillan of Isaacs Harbor is visiting her cousin, Miss Hettie Lamont.

Mrs. W. S. Sweet is visiting friends in Parrsboro.

The Billtown Sunday School held their annual picnic at Halls Harbor on Wednesday 17th. The school was mostly all present beside a large number of friends. A very pleasant day was spent.

The young folk of this place spent a very pleasant evening at a lawn party on Thursday 18th, at Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown's, Lakeville, also on Saturday evening 13th, they were entertained by Miss Violet Lamont at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Turner, Lakeville.

Miss Alice Ells, of Woodside, is visiting her grand mother, Mrs. T. H. Rockwell.

Andrew Whitney, of New York who has been spending two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Whitney, returned to New York on Saturday, 20th.

The arrival of a baby girl gladdened the hearts of Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Vincent, of Isaac Harbor, last week. They are at the residence of Mr. H. P. Sweet, Mrs. Vincent's father.

Rev. Clarence Minard, of Massachusetts, preached in the Baptist church on Sunday, 21st.


School reopened here on Monday under the efficient management of Miss Winnifred Webster, assisted by Miss Clara Palmer.

Rev. J. B. and Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. W. I. Chute and Miss Ethel M. Eaton are attending the convention at Amherst.

Miss Bessie Martin, of Lawrence, is visiting her uncle, Mr. Joseph Starrat.

Miss May Thurlow is visiting Miss Sadie Holland.

Rev. Jas. Hughson, of Halifax, is spending his vacation with his parents in this place.

Mrs. Grant Parker spent a few days in Berwick last week.

Miss Lizzie Crandall spent Sunday in Aylesford.

Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Read have moved into the house recently occupied by Mrs. Rainsforth.

Miss Bertie Pierce, of Kingston, spent a portion of last week with Miss Clara Neily.

Some of the young people of this place visited Morden last Thursday where they spent a very pleasant day.

Mr. Charles Kidd, of Boston, who has been spending a few weeks at the Hotel, went to Halifax on Monday.

Many of our young people are looking forward to the annual excursion held by the Division. They go to Halifax on the early train and return in the evening. Arrangements have been made for drives to the principal points of interest in the city, and a very enjoyable day is expected.


It is my painful duty to inform the readers of the REGISTER of the death of one of our former residents, Mr. John Sto(?)rs Ogilvie, who died in Boston City Hospital, after a short illness of sixteen days, with typhoid fever. His body was brought home on the 16th and buried in Burlington cemetery, beside the remains of his father and brother. Mr. Wilber W. Ogilvie accompanied the remains home. We tender our sympathy to his widowed mother, brothers and sisters.

Messrs William J. Donnellan and Loring G. Armstrong have gone to Manitoba, leaving last week. We are pleased to see our young men stay in our great Dominion and help build up our own country instead of Uncle Sam's domain, where a large number of our young people go to find employment.

Mrs. George L. Morris, of Auburndale, and little son are visiting Mrs. Morris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Armstrong.

Picnic season is at hand and now and again there are seen at Woodlawn Beach, the pleasure seekers in search of the cool breezes and a sail on old Fundy. Foggy weather, of late, has rendered these excursions somewhat unpleasant.

The farmers are nearly done haying. The dull and overcast weather has greatly impede the harvest of our hay.

The Massachusetts tourists who were boarding at Mr. John Donnellan's have returned to their native land, greatly improved in health and spirits, to resume their various employments.

The Misses Howell have returned to Massachusetts, after a pleasant visit among friends at Woodlawn.

Little Ernest Ogilvie and his two companions who have been spending their vacation at Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Ogilvie's will soon return to their studies in the school for the blind.

Grain crops are looking fine and some of our farmers are at their grain harvest already.

Remember the Maine:

(Goldwin Smith Toronto Sun.)

The evidence in the case of the Maine has now been impartially examined by a first-rate expert, Lieut. Colonel J. T. Bucknill, of the Royal Engineers, who was a member and the secretary of "the Joint War Office and Admiralty Committee" which carried out the experiments against the double bottom of H. M. S. Oberon during 1874 to 1876.

Colonel Bucknill comes to the conclusion that the explosion was due to coal-heating in a bunker containing forty tons of soft Pocahontas coal.

It therefore seems to him that "Americans should dismiss from their minds the idea that the Maine was blown up by the Spanish authorities, or with their cognizance; all the evidence pointing entirely in the other direction, viz., that the disaster was purely accidental and that the explosions were confined to the interior of the ship."

Yet nobody who was in the United States at the time can doubt for a moment that the war was made, as the New York Nation said, "to avenge the Maine."

So, all the people who have been killed, died of yellow fever, or been starved by the blockade, may consider that their deaths do not count.

FIRE AT SKAGUAY. - Capt. Roberts, of the steamer Farallon, which reached Vancouver, B. C. Aug. 9th from the north is authority for the statement that when his steamer left Skaguay on Thurs. 4th the city was threatened with destruction by fire. Fifteen or twenty houses were blazing then and fanned by a high wind, the fire was spreading toward the sheds in which were stored huge quantities of dynamite brought in by the railways. A messenger informed Capt. Roberts just before his vessels sailed that the city was doomed, as the fire fighting apparatus was of the crudest, and the buildings being all of wood were like tinder.
