August 18th 1897

August 18th 1897



At Wolfville, July 16th, to Capt. and Mrs. J.B. Tingley, a son.

At the Parsonage, Great Village, Aug. 10th, to Rev. and Mrs. O.N. Chipman, a daughter.

At the Baptist Parsonage, New Glasgow, Aug. 2, to Rev. and Mrs. G.P. Raymond, a son.


At Aylesford, July 11th, of pneumonia, Beriah Graves, aged 76 years.

Died in Massachusetts - Arthur C. Trenholm, an engineer on the Boston & Maine railroad, dies at his home, 12 1/2 Shawnut Place, Somerville, Mass., on Aug. 5th, of typhoid fever, after an illness of three weeks. He was a native of Grand Pre, Nova Scotia, 39 years of age, and leaves a widow and five children.

Mr. J. Nelson Gardiner, a well-known citizen of Yarmouth, died on Saturday morning at the residence of Mr. Homes C. Masters. Mr. Gardiner, who had been in failing health for some time, had been advised to try the invigorating air of the Valley, and had been in Berwick for about a week. At first it was thought that the change would prove to be beneficial, but on Wednesday he became so seriously ill that his sons and daughter were sent for, and arrived on Friday, accompanied by Dr. Putnam, of Yarmouth. The remains were taken to Yarmouth by the Bluenose on Saturday. Mr. Gardiner was 65 years of age. In former years he was a large shipbuilder; more recently he engaged in the lobster and fishing industry. He has for many years been prominent in temperance work and was a member of several temperance societies. In politics he was a Conservative. He leaves a widow and several grown up children.

A SUDDEN DEATH occurred at Annapolis, on Tuesday of last week - that of Mr. Edward Willett, of Granville Ferry. Mr. Willett was taken ill while working at the Baptist Parsonage at Annapolis, and though the best of medical attendance was procured, he died next day. The funeral took place on Thursday, the remains being interred with masonic honors. Mr. Willett leaves a widow (a daughter of the late James T. Hamilton, of Somerset), and three children.

Dominion Atlantic Railway.

"Land of Evangeline" Route.

On and after Monday 21st June 1897, the steamship and train service of this railway will be as follows: -

Trains will Arrive Berwick -

(Sundays excepted)




9.13 A.M.

* Express



7.17 P. M.




1.28 P. M.




1.45 P. M.




9.05 A.M.

*Friday and Saturday

Trains will Leave Berwick -

(Sundays excepted)




9.13 A. M.

+ Express



4.48 A. M.




1.28 P. M.




9.20 A. M.




1.45 P. M.

+ Monday and Saturday

Pullman Palace Buffet Parlor Cars run each way daily on express trains between Halifax and Yarmouth, and Yarmouth and Annapolis.

Royal Mail Steamship

Prince Rupert.

Daily service, Sunday excepted.

St. John and Digby.

Leaves St. John at 7.00 a.m.

Arrive Digby 9.30 a.m.

Leaves Digby at 1.00 p.m.

Arrive St. John 3.30 p.m.

The S. S. Evangeline runs daily Sundays excepted, between Parrsboro and Kingsport making connection at Kingsport with express trains for Halifax, St. John, Yarmouth and intermediate points and for Boston and New York via Digby and Yarmouth.

Trains are run on Eastern Standard Time


Gen'l Manager.



A Long Felt Want - Windsor is to have a handsome new school building, which, when completed, will be among the best in the province. The contract has been awarded to Messrs. McIntosh and McGregor, of Stellarton, their tender being $32,498, the lowest of six sent in. Messrs. Elliott & Hopson, of Halifax, are the architects. The foundation only will be finished this season, the building to be fully completed by October, 1898.

The Register

With its condensed columns of foreign news; its crisp local contributions, its interesting literary matter and its useful business advertisements gives more value for one dollar than could be obtained in any other way.

Do you see this advertisement?

Then yours would be seen - Send it


Gold - A new find of gold has been made at New Germany, Lunenburg Co. Some gentlemen from Windsor are working it. They have found forty leads ranging from two to eight inches wide. A crusher and other apparatus arrived at New Germany station, on Saturday, for the mine - Gold Hunter.

To Let - A house on Foster St., containing eight rooms, with barn and outbuildings. In good order, rent reasonable. Apply to

Mrs. Lucy M. Forsythe

Camp Meeting closed on Thursday night, the final services being interesting and impressive. The attendance was large, numbers from others sections taking advantage of the special train which left for the eastward at 9 30 p.m. Most of the sojourners on the grounds left on Friday, though a few stayed until Saturday. Messrs. Crossley, Hunter and Kerby, by special request, remained over Sunday.

 Found on Camp Ground, one brown macintosh, one shawl, one lady's rubber cape, two bibles. Apply to S.H. Nichols' shoe store.

New lot of Glassware - very cheap at John G. Clark's.

H.D. Ruggles, a well-known Annapolis barrister, was married at St. Luke's Church, Annapolis, on the 11th inst. to Miss Gwinnie Hodson, Rev. H. How officiating. They will spend the honeymoon in New Brunswick.

An Address, numerously signed by citizens of Kentville, was recently presented to Mr. K. Sutherland, late superintendent of the Dominion Atlantic Railway, whose retirement from that position is so generally regretted.

Shingles and Laths - To arrive this week three carloads of Shingles and Laths. Call and get prices before purchasing.

Agent for Nova Scotia Carriage Co. Sample Buggy on hand.

G.W. Eaton.

Berwick, N.S. May 19th, 1897.


Rugg Vaughn left on Saturday to return to Boston.

Sydney E. Shaw returned home last week from the United States.

Miss Ben-Oliel while in Berwick was the guest of Mrs. D. Caldwell.

Mr. Wm. VanBuskirk is visiting his father, Mr. Henry VanBuskirk.

Master Douglas Patterson, of Truro, has been visiting friends in Berwick.

Mr. T.H. Buckley of Natick, Mass., formerly of Grafton, is spending a vacation among friends in this county.

Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Davison and family, of Hantsport, spent Sunday in Berwick, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Reed.

 Rev. J. Craig and Rev. E.E. England have been spending a few days with their former parishioners of the Berwick circuit.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Elliott, of Windsor, who have been visiting friends in Berwick and vicinity, returned home on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Foster have moved into their new home, the property recently purchased by Mr. Foster from Mr. Rev. W. Ellis.

M.B. Anthony returned on Saturday from Pictou, where he has been attending, the annual session of the Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F.

Mrs. Whitman, of Lawrencetown, who, with her three children, has been visiting her father, Henry Shaw Esq., returned home on Monday.

Rev. Robt. Murray, editor of the Presbyterian Witness, recently visited this county and assisted Rev. J.M. Allan at his last communion service.

Mr. W.H. Chipman, of Kentville, formerly cashier at the Bank of N.S., in that town, has been appointed agent in Middleton of the Halifax Banking Co.

Rev. C.W. and Mrs. Corey, of Charlottetown, P.E.I., and three little ones, who have been visiting Mrs. Corey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons, left on Monday to return home.

Mr. Paul C. Black, of Falmouth, well known throughout the Valley in connection with the farmers' Association of which he was the enthusiastic Secretary, has been obliged to give up farming on account of his ill-health, and has gone to Montreal.

A recent dispatch from Dresden announces that a new ferry steamer plying between the old and new towns was capsized by the wash of a large steamer and over fifty persons were thrown into the water. Several people are missing and it is feared the loss of life will be heavy.

Two thousand men employed on Chicago's Public Scholl buildings are on strike. There are thirty-five school houses undergoing repairs and if the strike is not settled soon it is said the buildings will be in such condition that they cannot be used at the opening of the schools in September.

The reports of the commercial agencies of Messrs. Dun and Bradstreet state that the outlook is brighter, and that there is a noticeable increase in trade. The crop prospects are reported good from nearly every city, and an increasing prosperity is indicated by the rise in stocks, the growth of bank clearings and railway earnings. The heavy speculation in many products, but particularly in wheat, has made the week one of surpassing interest. A feeling of buoyancy has appeared among buyers and sellers at the chief points, and interior merchants are buying certain lines more freely than since 1882.

Victoria Harbor:

The farmers are almost finished haying in this place. They report good crops. The grain crop and potatoes are looking fine since the recent rains.

Miss Bessie Cogswell, of Mass., is visiting her grandmother Mrs. Eliza McAuley.

Rev. Mr. Bishop, of Burlington, held service at Mr. A. brown's on the 4th.

Miss Bertie Palmer Malden, Mass., and Miss Alice Brown, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown.

Mrs. James Swindell, of Danvers, Mass., has arrived at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Brown.

The schr. Ethel B., Captain Wallace Kirkpatrick, loaded with cordwood at the pier on the 6th.

We notice that Mr. Leander Rand, formerly of Hillfoot Farm, has enlarged his business by putting in a steam boiler and engine and building a large shop. We wish him every success in his new enterprise.

Mr. Fred Smith of Brooklyn St., is at present haying on the James Hicks farm.

Mr. Thomas Elderkin is very sick. Dr. N.P. Balcom is in attendance.

North Kingston:

Most of the farmers have finished haying and the rest are trying to, but the heavy rains are hindering them very much. The crop this year is exceedingly large; many have their barns filled and are now stacking it out. The grain crop is not gong to be as good as common, and the fruit is also very light.

Mrs. Jos. Stevenson and children, of Massachusetts, are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel Hudgins.

Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, of Boston, are visiting Mrs. Fuller's father, Mr. A.D. Foster.

Mr. Wallace Chesley, of Wakefield, Mass., is visiting his brother, Mr. Handley Chesley.

Mr. William Monaghan, of Halifax, is spending a vacation of two weeks with his family here.

Hibbert Foster, of Marysville, N.B., formerly of this place, is spending a short vacation here. Mr. Foster has been employed in Gibson's cotton factory for some time.

Several of our "crack shots" left on Monday for Bedford to attend shooting there. They are going to camp there for a week.

Mr. E.L. Foster attended the Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F. at Pictou last week as a representative form Kingston Lodge.

Miss Susan Foster fell one day last week and hurt her leg quite badly. She is confined to her bed.

Heber, son of D.B. Smith Esq., has two of his fingers badly jammed last week in the saw mill.

Messrs. James Foster, Edgar Smith, Loring Gates, Thos. Tupper, Howard Hawkins left on Tuesday for Winnipeg, where they intend working in the harvest field for a time, and return, or go on the "gold field."
