August 17th 1898

August 17th 1898



At Windermere, Aug. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palmer, a daughter.

At Berwick, on Monday, August 15th, to Dr. J. B. and Mrs. March, a daughter.


At St. George's church, Ottawa, July 30th, by Rev. J. M. Snowdon, Sydney C. D. Roper, and Ella Maud, widow of the late T. T. Vernon Smith, and daughter of George Ross of New Ross, N.S.


At Scott's Bay, on Saturday, Aug. 6th, Mrs. Elizabeth Rogers, widow of the late Daniel Rogers.


Miss Essie Chute is visiting friends in Victoria Harbor.

Mrs. E. C. Foster is visiting friends in Bridgetown.

Miss Ella Parker, of Welsford, arrived from Boston on Thursday.

Miss Beatrice Dickie of Canning, is visiting Miss Flossie Nichols.

Messrs. Bruce and Herbert White arrived from Boston on Saturday.

Rev. C. E. Pineo and family arrived yesterday and are visiting Mrs. Pineo's parents at Grafton.

Mrs. A. C. Adler and little daughter arrived on Thursday from Boston, and are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Fuller, of Welsford.

Chas. W. Dunham of Cambridge, Mass. who has been revisiting Berwick after an absence of some years, left on Monday to return to the United States.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Smith, of Halifax, and Miss Johnston, of England, are spending a few days in Berwick, and are the guests of Rev. G. W. F. and Mrs. Glendenning.

Mr. Fred T. Rockwell and wife, of East Boston, are visiting friends in Nova Scotia. At present they are the guests of Mrs. Rockwell's sister, Mrs. Jesse H. Clarke, of Welsford.

Miss Lilly Eaton and her little niece, Evelyn, daughter of Rev. H. S. Shaw of Mahone Bay, arrived by yesterday's express and are visiting Miss Eaton's father, G. W. Eaton, Esq.

Mrs. Robert W. Williams, of Yarmouth, and her friend Miss Flinn, of Worcester, Mass., are spending a few days with Mrs. Williams' aunt, Mrs. George Nichols.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Logan removed a short time ago from the Eastern part of the province to Aylesford. They occasionally visit their native homes in Halifax and Hants Co's but are delighted with our beautiful valley.

Mr. Lou Davidson is now visiting his home at Aylesford. Mr. Davidson has for nearly two years been employed as a clerk in the store of Mr. E. Scott, Milford, Hants Co., and during that time has gained a host of friends.

Rev. J. S. Coffin and Mrs. Coffin of Petite Riviere, have left for Barrington. Mr. Coffin intends spending sometime at his old home, to try and regain the necessary strength for his fall and winter labors. - Bridgewater Exchange.

Hon. C. E. Church, commissioner of Public Works and Mines, with his niece, Miss Webber, of Lunenburg spent a few days in Berwick last week. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Ilsley. Hon Mr. Church is a cousin of Mrs. Ilsley and of Rupert Caldwell Esq.


Mrs. Perry Wheaton is very ill.

Mrs. Clara Lewis, of Boston, is home visiting her parents.

Mrs. Ernest Blair and daughter are visiting friends in the village.

Mrs. Bowles and Mrs. Brown have been spending a few days with their sister, Mrs. J. E. Kinsman.

Mr. R. S. Thorpe loaded four cars of wood for Avonport on Monday.

Scott's Bay:

Mr. Owen Steele met with an accident on Tuesday last, while getting amethyst at Amethyst Cove, when a large stone fell, cutting his head quite badly and bruising him otherwise. We are glad to learn that he is now able to be out.

Sharks are quite plentiful here this season. The largest capture measured fourteen feet.

The largest catch of shad of the season was twenty-three thousand.

Quite a number of our young people attended the Berwick Camp Meetings.

Miss Lucetta Huntly has returned home from Wolfville, after an absence of several months.

Mr. Edwin McLennan, formerly of Windsor, has purchased the J. E. Lockhart place and has commenced making repairs.

Scott's Bay has quite a number of visitors this summer from the United States and elsewhere.

Canady Creek:

There has been an unusually large number of visitors to this place during the past few weeks, and their presence has been greatly enjoyed.

Alice Cox and her sister Laura, of Kentville, are spending a few days with Mrs. J. H. Rawding.

Mr. and Mrs. Marchant Clark were visitors at the Lighthouse recently.

B. H. Dodge, M.P.P. and Frank Dennison, of Kentville, were the guests of Mr. Henry Dickie on Sunday.

Rev. J. K. West has been holding some very interesting meetings. The sacrament of Baptism was administered on Sunday, 14th.

Miss Stella Dickie leaves for Boston on Tuesday, on account of the serious illness of her brother Howard.

Mumps have been prevalent during the past few weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Forman White have been cheered by the arrival of a bouncing baby on the 26th ult.

J. Kinsman and Rufus Laurence of Lakeville, were visiting at H. Dickie's last week.


Mrs. Bowden and children, of Marblehead, Mass., are visiting Mrs. Stanley Banks.

Mrs. Norman Bowles and Mrs. Allen Browne spent Saturday and Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Everett Kinsman, at Centreville.

Miss Elva Nichols and brother Lex, of Nicholsville, spent Sunday with friends in Waterville.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Webster were in Waterville on Saturday, the guests of Mrs. W.V.T. Young.

Miss Bessie McIntosh went to Wolfville on Thursday, where she intends spending several days with her friend Miss Patriquin.

Miss Minnie Wolfe has returned home from an extended visit to Dartmouth.

We are glad to see Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Beckwith, who were so badly injured by a runaway horse a short time ago, able to be out again.

Messrs. John and Spurgeon Cross, of White Rock, were visiting friends in Waterville last week, on their return from Camp Meeting.

Mrs. Robb and grandchild of Yarmouth, are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Lovelace.

Mr. Emerson Read and little daughter of Bear River, are visiting his parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. O. Read.

Master George Whitman and Irwin Lyons are spending the week at Black Rock.

Mrs. E. Fisher went to Halifax on Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Megeney.

Miss Ross Nichols is visiting friends in Wolfville and Long Island.

Rev. Mr. Hawley went to New Brunswick on Thursday to join his wife who is visiting at her father's home. They intend remaining for a few weeks. During their absence Mr. Hawley's pulpit is filled by Rev. Mr. Quinn.

Mrs. Everett Kinsman, of Centreville, is visiting friends in this place.

The cyclists of Waterville were invited to a pleasant ride on Tuesday evening, by Miss Elsie Best. On their return, they were entertained at her home, when refreshment were served, and a pleasant evening spent.

Mrs. Crombie and two children, of Boston, are the guests of Mrs. Kinsman.

Mrs. Wm. Bligh and little daughter Muriel are visiting Mrs. Bligh's sister, Mrs. G. D. Pineo.

The little child of Mrs. Bowden met with what might have proved a fatal accident last week. While playing with other children in Mr. Banks' new barn, she tripped and fell into the cellar, striking her head and neck, cutting the latter severely, and rendering her unconscious for some time. At present time of writing we are glad to report that she is improving rapidly.

Miss Addie Clark, of Boston, is spending a part of the summer in Waterville, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wylie Pineo.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gates have been visiting friends in Harmony.

Miss Janie Austin, of Halifax, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Fulmer.

Sir James Winter, Premier of Newfoundland, had an interview with Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, in which the Secretary of State for the Colonies suggested that Newfoundland would gain much advantage by becoming a province in the Dominion Confederation.

Lieut. Charles Rufus Coleman, of the Reserve Militia, has been gazetted to a position as a Lieutenant of the 78th Battalion, (Colchester, Hants and Pictou).

Lord Aberdeen purposes to leave Canada in November.

 ACCIDENT - John Forrest, the twelve year old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Forrest, broke his arm on Thursday last. He was playing with some smaller children, whom he was teaming from a toy wagon. The team turned suddenly, overturned the wagon on which the boy was mounted, breaking the arm between the wrist and elbow. The fracture was reduced at once and the boy is around town with his arm in a sling.

The Creamery:

At the regular meeting of the stockholders of the firm of T. M. Davis & Co., Ltd., held on Saturday evening last, it was resolved that the price to be paid for milk during the month of October, shall be sixty-two cents per 100 lbs. Milk yielding four per cent of butter fat, as shown by the test, will be considered the standard. Milk testing above or below that standard will be paid for pro rata.

KINGSPORT presents a lively spectacle in the shipping line at present. The barkentine Skoda has just left the Marine slip blocks. She had new masts put in and a new copper bottom. The bark Conductor is also being repaired there. The Ruth Robinson and a Windsor schooner are to be the next on the blocks. Inspector Douglas pronounces the blocks as good as any of which he knows. John Bigelow is foreman of the works and John Henderson master caulker. There are 20 men engaged at coppering. The Conductor and the Roder are to be loaded with lumber for South America when completed. The S. P. Benjamin Co. are to be the shippers.

I.O.O.F. - At the meeting of the Grand Lodge held in St. John, N.B., last week, the following were elected officers James R. McDonald, Sherbrook, N.S., grand master, J. D. McKean, Westville, deputy grand master. B. B. Allan, St. John, grand warden. J.C.P. Frazee, Halifax, grand secretary. J. H. Balcom, Halifax, grand treasurer. H.W. Rogers, Amherst, and H. E. Codner, St. John, grand representatives. Two hundred and fifty delegates were present at the session. The next annual session will be held at Kentville.

AN OPEN MEETING. - The ladies of Wesley church will hold an open auxiliary meeting of the W.M.S. in the church on Sunday evening next at seven o'clock. Mrs. Wesley Smith, corresponding Sec'ty of the N.S. Branch, will address the meeting and also give some choice musical selections, assisted by Miss Johnson, of Halifax. All are cordially invited. Silver Collection.

In reply to a question put by Mr. McArthur in the British House of Commons Mr. Chamberlain stated that the reduced tariff offered by Canada to importations of sugar applied only to raw sugar produced in Great Britain and her colonies. Mr. Chamberlain further said that he was aware of no endeavor to neutralize this concession.

While a gang of McBurney's Crow's Nest workmen were repairing a bridge at the bottom of the loop, the upper timbers gave way, resulting in the instant death of two men and serious injuries to several others.
