August 11th 1897

August 11th 1897



At South Vale, Upper Stewiacke, Aug. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Blair Wright, a daughter.

At Wolfville, July 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. AV Pineo, a daughter.


At Somerset, on Wednesday, Aug. 4th, by the Rev DH Simpson, assisted by Revs. EO Read, JM Allan and T McFall, Mr. HR Best, of Kentville, and May, daughter of Mr. HH Thomas, of Somerset.


At Kentville, Aug. 4th, of diphtheretic croup, Harry Archibald, son of Joseph Arnburg, aged 1 year, 3 mos.

At Kentville, July 27th, of inflammation, Daisy Edith, infant daughter of Silas and Louisa Rogerson, aged 1 year, 11 mos.

At Plymouth, Devon, England, on Sunday, July 11th, Melanie, eldest daughter of the late Rev. John Storrs, formerly Rector of Cornwallis and Wolfville.

Best - Thomas.

The home of Mr. Henry Thomas, was the central point of interest on the afternoon of Wednesday, August 4th, when his daughter, Miss May Thomas, became the bride of Mr. H. R. Best, Waterville. The event was solemnized by Rev D. H. Simpson, pastor of the Baptist church, Berwick, assisted by the Revs. E. O. Read, Thomas McFall and J. M. Allan. As the piano responded to the touch of Miss Elsie Best, sister of the groom, and the strains of the wedding march were heard, the bride elect entered the room, (which was decorated for the occasion with potted plants, masses of evergreen, ferns and cut flowers,) leaning upon her father's arm, and met the expectant groom beneath a bower of evergreen and flowers. She was most becomingly arrayed in a gown of cream satin and cashmere en train and wore the regulation veil and orange blossoms. She carried a lovely bouquet of bride's roses. Some eighty guests assembled to do honor to the occasion. After the ceremony, congratulations were extended, refreshments dispensed and the newly wedded ones left for a driving tour. Upon their return they will live in Kentville and will be at home to their friends after August 22nd. The bride was the recipient of many tokens of affectionate regard. Among others was an appropriate address, card case and purse of money, from the choir and congregation wherefore some years Miss Thomas has been a most devoted and efficient organist and leader of music. In this capacity as well as in our social life, we will regret the departure of one of our very brightest and most talented young ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Best will be followed by the good wishes of all the community.

Drowned - On Monday, Aug. 2nd., a sad occurrence took place at Canard, resulting in the death of a promising young man - Otis, son of Mr. C.M. Dickie, of Hillaton. The deceased was bathing in the Canning River, and in the attempt to swim across a creek, was either seized with cramps or became exhausted and sank. The body was recovered about an hour later. The funeral took place the next day, and was largely attended, the members of the Cornwallis Division being present in a body. Rev Mr. Higgins conducted the services. The deceased was in his 23rd year. Heartfelt sympathy is expressed on all sides, for the bereaved parents and other relatives.

Get Photographs at Brown's Block Studio. High grade work and low grade prices.

Dr. A.R. Andrews will be in Berwick the second and fourth Thursday of each month.

GOOD WASHED WOOL taken at 25 cts per lb in exchange for Dry Goods. L.A. Forrest & Co.

A Narrow Escape - on Thursday morning, Mrs. Thos. Sullivan, of Pereaux, narrowly escaped being killed by the train while driving over the crossing near the Methodist church at Canning. The place where the accident occurred is near a sharp curve, and it was impossible for her to see the approaching train until it was close upon her. The horse which Mrs. Sullivan was driving was struck by the engine, and she was thrown out with terrific force. The train was stopped, and when picked up, Mrs. Sullivan was unconscious. She had no bones broken, but received a severe shaking up, and it was feared she was injured internally. She was removed to her home.

The body of Jos D. Scott, confidential clerk for Evan Thompson, of Elmsdale, was found floating in the Northwest Arm, Halifax. His clothes were lying on the bank. A certificate was given of accidental drowning.

Bert Whitney, eighteen years of age, was taken from the steamer Passport, of the R. and O. Line in Toronto harbor Aug. 1st, suffering from smallpox. The ship is quarantined in the harbor, and the utmost precautions are being taken to prevent the spread of the disease.

A letter from Capt. Leaman, of the Dutch steamer Dordretcht, appears in one of the papers to the effect that he saw a curious object floating in the White Sea, on July 17th, which neither a ship or a dead whale, but resembles a balloon, and Capt. Leaman suggests that it may have been Andree's balloon which he saw.

Ethel Clark, twelve year-old daughter of Willard G. Clarke, of the well-known firm of Clarke Brothers, lumber merchants, was drowned, while bathing at Bear River. Ethel Purdy, a friend of Miss Clarke, narrowly escaped. Recent freshets caused the river to rise, and the bathers were unaware of its increased depth.

Steamer "Sribongann," bound from Singapore for Malacca, with 190 passengers, was wrecked in a squall, off Mecca, on June 19. One hundred persons, including the captain of the steamer, were drowned. The remainder of the ship's company were rescued by a passing steamer.

Sheffield Mills:

Those who have been engaged in haymaking have progressed favorably under the circumstances and quite a number are about down.

A number of visitors have been with us. Some are still here, others have returned to their homes. Mrs. Jones and child from Maine, Miss Vera Cox from Kingsport, Mrs. S.M. Bentley from Truro, Miss Ethel Collins from Aylesford, Mr. Frank Ells, Mrs. W. Forsythe and children and Mrs. David Forsythe from the U.S.

 Our Tennis Club has been well attended and some very pleasant evenings enjoyed.

Mr. Frank Webster has returned home from a trip to Boston.

Messrs. Seawright from Minnesota, residents here over fifty years past, were at the Mills renewing the acquaintances of youth.

Mr. Edgar Ells lost a valuable ox recently.

Mr. George Beckwith and Mr. John Hume intend leaving for a trip to Chester on Saturday.


Mr. A. W. Bishop and family have been spending a few weeks with friends in Cambridge. Mr. Bishop has returned to Boston and Mrs. Bishop and her two boys and her mother, Mrs. Neily, are spending this week in Kentville with Mrs. Neily's sister, Mrs. Avery.

Miss Ruperta Woodward is also visiting friends here. She came from her home at Nictaux Falls on her wheel.

Within the last few years Cambridge has become noted for the large number of popular teachers it has produced. A number of these have married and gone out of the profession, but some are yet at work. These have all secured good schools for the coming year. Miss Mabel Caldwell has a position in Kentville Academy, Miss Myrtle Caldwell takes again as last year the advanced department at Sheffield's Mills, Miss Jennie Craig goes to Harborville, Miss Gertie Webster goes to West Black Rock, Miss Leora Webster to Nicholsville, and Miss Bertie Webster to Millville.

Mr. Acel West expects to spend next year at Dalhousie college.


There has been quite a number of tourists in Canning during the past few weeks. We are glad to see them among us. We have a beautiful town but not the best accommodation for pleasure seekers.

All our townspeople that could be spared have gone to Berwick to spend a week in the camp. We hope they may receive spiritual as well as physical benefit.

On Monday, Aug 4th, the town was startled by the news of the death of Otis Dickie by drowning. He was in bathing at the time of the accident in the river near his home, he swam across the creek and attempted to return, when he was seized with a cramp and went down. The body was in the water nearly two hours before being recovered. The deceased was a son of Mr. C. M. Dickie, of Hillaton.

This accident was followed by another of a very serious nature. On Thursday morning at about nine o'clock, the express for Kentville struck a horse and carriage at the crossing near the Methodist church, killing the horse instantly and throwing the driver, Mrs. Thos. Sullivan, violently to the ground. How she escaped sudden death is a mystery to all, but she escaped with a few bruises and a severe shaking up.

Mrs. Stephen is on her way home from California.

Rev. Mr. Champion occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church last Sabbath and Dr. Kempton of Dartmouth preached in the Baptist church in the evening.

The S. S. "Beaver" started on her first trip to St. John last Saturday. They expect her to make weekly trips between here and St. John.

Steam Mill Village:

Our little village has not been heard from for quite a while.

Quite a few of our young folks attended camp meeting Sunday last.

Miss Lizzie Garrett and niece are home from Mass., spending their vacation.

Miss Maggie MacInnes returned from Waltham, Mass. Friday last.

Mr. Samuel Crocker lost a very fine horse on Wednesday last.

Mrs. John Horne, of Fall River, Mass., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Young.

Mrs. Charles Sanfer of Somerville, Mass., is visiting friends in Steam Mill.

Mr. and Mrs. Dale of Cambridge, Mass., were the guests of Mrs. Jas MacInnes last week.

The members of Gordon Division held an Ice Cream Social at Mr. Ladd Reid's on Saturday evening.


Rev. Harry Lowden is spending his vacation at his father's. He will preach in Centreville hall on Sunday afternoon, 15th Aug., at three o'clock.

Mrs. Whitney from Worcester Mass., is visiting at Mrs. Hugh Mason's.

Mrs. Huntington and daughter, Mrs. Parker, of Aylesford, visited friends in the village last week.

Mrs. Pruie Parker is spending the summer at her brother's.

Henry Bowles is attending the camp meeting.

Miss Kidson visited friends in Upper Dyke on Sunday last.

Mr. Joseph C Kinsman returned from Danvers, Mass., last week with his bride. We offer congratulations.

Some of our citizens are attending the camp meeting this week.


Miss Jennie Robinson has been visiting friends in Berwick.

Miss Baher, of Belle Isle, N. B., visited friends in Berwick this week.

Rev. F. J. H. Axford, Rector of Cornwallis, was in Berwick on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Best have our thanks for a generous gift of wedding cake.

Miss Julia Chase, of Sheffield Mills, is visiting her friend, Miss Lizzie Sommerville.

Mr. Isaiah Vaughan, of Lynn, Mass, formerly of Berwick, has been visiting this place.

Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Bishop, of Wolfville and little daughter Evelyn, spent Sunday in Berwick.

Miss Mabel Caldwell, of Cambridge, a B. A. of Acadia, has been added to the staff of Kings county academy.

Mr. F. W. Arnold, of St. John, visited Berwick on Thursday last, in the interests of the St. John exhibition.

Miss Minerva B. Hutchinson, of Morristown, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Baker, Tremont.

The wedding of Miss Lulu Webster and Mr. Everett Kinsman, is announced for Wednesday at Cambridge church.

Mr. J. J. Anslow, of the Hants Journal, Windsor, and Mrs. Anslow, were among the camp meeting visitors over Sunday.

Mrs. J. W. Vaughn, of Wolfville, spent Sunday in Berwick. She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Flo Bordon, of Avonport.

Alderman A. M. Thompson and Mrs. Thompson of Worcester, Mass., are on a tour through Nova Scotia and are now at the Central House.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Slauenwhite, of Mahone Bay, accompanied by their little niece, Jessie Bailey, who have been visiting Mrs. Peter Middlemas, leave to-day on their return home.

Miss Winnie Card of Medford, Mass., is visiting friends in Berwick. Miss Card favored the Baptist congregation with a solo on Sunday morning, which was greatly appreciated.

Alex McL. Sommerville, M. D. of Springfield, New Brunswick, arrived on Saturday last, on a visit to his mother and other relatives and friends in Berwick. He left on Tuesday to return.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Fisher, of Brockton, Mass, are visiting relatives and friends in Berwick. They are on a two months' wheeling tour and will visit a number of points of interest in the province, before their return.

Frank H. Eaton, Esq., of Kentville, has been appointed Inspector of schools for Victoria, British Columbia. This is a most important position and one which Mr. Eaton is especially well qualified to fill. His experience in teaching, both in common schools and in the Provincial Normal School, coupled with a university education of the highest grade, ensures his professional fitness for the situation, while his personal qualities are such as will enable him to administer the office faithfully, while retaining the good will of those with whom he comes in contact. Mr. Eaton was one of sixty-seven candidates for the position.

The Camp Meeting:

The Camp meeting Association, the sojourners on the camp ground, the numerous visitors to our beautiful village, and all in any way interested in the annual gathering, are to be heartily congratulated on the beautiful weather which has favored them every day since the meetings opened. The attendance has been large, over 1800 season tickets having been sold.

A number of improvements have been effected this year, in and about the grounds. A new avenue has been opened on which fourteen new cottages have been erected, making forty-seven cottages now on the grounds. All the old avenues have been graded, a neat building has been finished as a secretary's office, and the Boarding House has been ceiled and painted at a cost of nearly --00? (Not able to make out full amount … PV).

On Thursday, the opening day, the tabernacle was crowded - a circumstance which has not occurred on the first day of the services since the inception of the camp meeting twenty-five years ago.

Rev. G. W. Kirby, of Brantford, Ont. Has been a central figure in the services this year. He is a fluent, able preacher, and a gifted singer, his solos forming a most attractive feature of the meetings. His discourse on Thursday morning on "The Fatherhood and gifts of God," was a most fitting introduction to the work of the week.

Rev. Mr. Hunter arrived on Friday evening and has given valuable assistance. Mr. Crossley was unable to leave his work in Queens Co., but was expected to join Mr. Hunter on Tuesday evening and remain until the close of the meetings.

There was the usual large attendance on Sunday. The night train from Halifax was crowded and hundreds came by teams from other points to visit friends and attend the meetings. Rev. Dr. Lathern was the preacher of the morning; Rev. Mr. Kirby in the afternoon and evening while the "alter service" in the afternoon and evening, was led by Mr. Hunter.

On Monday morning the preacher was Rev. Mr. Gregg, of the New Brunswick conference. In the afternoon a very interesting children's service was held, young people under twenty years of age being admitted free.

Thursday is to be the great day and the closing day of the Camp Meeting. Messrs Crossley, Hunter and Kerby will conduct the work. A train will run from Kentville and return at 9:30 p.m. These men are not likely to be east soon again and the people will do well to hear them. Five cents admits those not otherwise provided for.

The music this year has been a particularly enjoyable feature of the services. The orchestra has been under the direction of Mr. R. B. Dakin, of Windsor. Rev. Mr. Kirby's singing has been much appreciated, and has been a great aid to the work accomplished during the week.
