September 21st, 1911

September 21, 1911

Jackson – Cahill

The Methodist Church at Harborville was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday, Sept. 13th, when Miss Cassie Lillian, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill, of Harborville, was united in marriage to Mr. Frederick Joseph Jackson, of Church Street.

The Church had been artistically decorated, by the friends of the bride with ever green, ferns, cut flowers, and potted plants. The arch beneath which the contracting parties stood, was of white, with green and white trimming. The day was pleasant and a large number of relatives and friends gathered to witness the impressive ceremend. The ushers were Mr. D. Boyd Parker, of Harborville, and MR. Louis F. Best, of Somerset, nephew of the groom.

At half past one o’clock, to the strains of the wedding march from Lohergrin, skillfully rendered by Mr. Earl Spicer, of Welsford Street, nephew of the bride, the bridegroom entered the Church, taking his place beneath the arch. Here he was soon joined by his bride who was led to the altar by her brother, Mr. James Cahill, of Harborville. She was tastefully attired in a travelling suit of white serge, and carried a bouquet of sweet peas. Both bride and groom were unattended. The solemn words that pronounced them husband and wife, were spoken by the Rev. George Bryant, pastor of the Methodist Church, of which the bride has for years been a faithful member. At the conclusion of the ceremony the newly wedded couple received the congratulations and best wishes of many friends. Soon after, amid showers of rice and hearty cheering, they departed for their home at Lower Church Street, Kings County. The presents were varied and costly, including money, cut glass, hand painted china, silver and many other useful gifts.

The bride is extensively and favourably known, in having been for a number of years, one of the most successful teachers in the public schools of Kings County. She is beloved by all who know her for her true Christian character and readiness to do good whenever opportunity if afforded. She will be much missed from the circle of former friends, while those among whom she now resides will ever find her worthy of their highest esteem.

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson join in wishing them a long, happy and prosperous wedded life.
