September 1st, 1915

September 1st, 1915


There are many summer visitors here. A number are registered at the Clifton House, while others are occupying cottages, the supply of which does not seem to satisfy the demand.

Mr. Strong, of Somerset, is building a very pretty summer cottage on the hillside. It is beautifully situated and adds much to our already picturesque little town.

There is an up-to-date and progressive activity going on here, now that the haying season is over. Our wharf is being rebuilt which gives a number of our men employment for several weeks. Mr. James Cahill makes an efficient foreman and is ably assisted by Capt. Ed. Curry.

Mrs. L. E. Sanborn and family and Mr. Robert Tufts, of Somerville, Mass., are occupying the cottage of Mrs. A. Spicer.

A large number of young people from here enjoyed the races at the Speedway on Saturday. Chas. A. Burns entertained a party of five at the show and they all report a good time.

Mr. Bernard, of Charlestown, Mass., visited his cousins, Masters Chas, and Paul Redgate, one day last week.

Mrs. Harry Patterson and little son, of Waltham, Mass., visited Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill and Miss Flo Cahill for the weed-end.

Mr. Chas. Hussey, of Somerville, Mass., and his sister, Miss Mary Hussey, of Morden, were the guests of Mr. Chas, A. Burns and Miss A. M. Burns last week. Other guests were, Mrs. R. S. Spicer and her sister, Mrs. Fred Jackson, of Port Williams; Mr. Webster, of Berwick, and Miss Fannie Givan, of Givan Road.

Capt. Thomas M. Carey, who has recently returned from Quaco in his vessel, the Clare C., was recently the guest of friends in Kentville. He was accompanied by Mr. Edson Wood.

Messrs. Kenneth and Harry Morse, of Berwick, are enjoying camp life on their farm here.

Miss Della Spicer, after enjoying a three weeks’ vacation with her parents on Hamilton Road, returned to Cambridge last week.

Miss Ella Hall, of Burlington, who is our teacher for the school term, is a Normal Graduate and is considered a very efficient teacher.

Mr. Melbourne Burns was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ingram Connor on Sunday.

Capt. Lewis Morris, of Hantsport, was in town recently.

Misses Etta and Frances Wagstaff, of Aylesford Mt., were visitors here a short time ago.

Master Kenneth Wood, we are sorry to say, is confined to his room with illness.
