March 17, 1915

March 17, 1915


Many people visit the wharf daily in the expectation of observing some interesting and unusual sight and occasionally they are well repaid, for among the incoming vessels the Ruby L made her first trip here this week with goods for Messrs. Parker and Mr. Barlow.

The man who originated the idea about winter lingering in the lap of spring, certainly knew his business. Winter seems not only to have lingered but taken a "fresh holt."

We gladly welcome to our midst Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lutz, of South Mountain, and trust they will remain with us permanently.

Revival meetings are held every evening in Parker's Hall by the Baptist minister, Rev. Mr. Lantz. The public are cordially invited to all these meetings. Previously, cottage prayer meetings were held in many of the homes of members of the Church each week.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ogilvie, of Victoria Harbor, spent the week-end as the guests of relatives here.

We are sorry to report that Mrs. Leander Margeson still continues on the sick list.

Miss Jennie White, of Canady Creek, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Edward Gould.

Mr. Christopher Saunders and his niece, Miss May Saunders, of Halifax, who were summoned home on account of the illness and death of his mother, Mrs. Sarah Saunders, have now returned to the city.

Mr. and Mrs. Chute Baltzer, of Black Rock, are moving into the house owned by Mr. E. P. Wood, which was formerly occupied by Mrs. George Collins.

Miss Edna Spicer, of Garland, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. W. H. Perry.

Miss Bessie Schnare, who is staying with Mrs. H. Barlow, spent Sunday at her home at Canady Creek.

Master Paul Redgate, of Halifax, will spend the spring and summer with his brother, Master Charles Redgate.

Your correspondent was handed a bunch of mayflowers on February 27th, by Miss Alta Gould. A few days later a beautiful butterfly, measuring over four inches from tip to tip made its appearance. It lived ten days, meeting death by accident.

Miss Lena Wright and Miss Alice Spicer were recent guests of friends in Burlington.
