June 2nd, 1915

Berwick Register, June 2, 1915


The prevailing high winds of last week played havoc along the water front. Much sympathy is expressed for the fishermen. A great many had just completed their weirs only to have them carried away by the high tides, while others were so badly damaged as to be utterly useless. Over a thousand dollars is reported to be the extent of the loss right here.

The holiday (24th) passed very quietly here. Those who had planned an outing took in the attraction at the Aylesford Speedway, as it was an ideal day for outdoor sports.

Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Palmer and a party of friends visited friends here on the 24th.

Miss Hattie Richardson, of Chelsea, Mass., is passing the summer with her parents.

Mr. Allen Spicer, who bought the property of the late Mrs. Walter Saunders has been improving the premises. He has the promise of new tenants in the near future.

Mrs. Ingram Connor pleasantly entertained Mrs. Young, of Somerset, and Miss Ross, of Berwick, on Wednesday of last week.

Chas. A. Burns visited friends in Morden on the 23rd.

Capt. Thomas M. Carey recently returned from Ogilvie Wharf with a shipment of fertilizer for the farmers at Black Rock in his vessel the Clare C.. Capt. Carey is a sergeant of the 9th Regiment of Cambridge, Mass., and is very popular with the boys of that company.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown, of Aylesford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Malby Lutz on the 23rd.

Mrs. Fanny Wilson, of Ogilvies, has been taking a brief vacation at Seaside Park.

Mr. Robert Earley, of Margaretville, entertained the boys at the hall recently by musical selections on the violin and organ.

Much admiration is expressed relative to the improved resident of Coun. Bezanson, of Garland. It is colonial in style and shows the architectural ability of the Councillor.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Boyd Parker spent Sunday the guest of relatives in Waterville.

Miss Hattie Hamilton, of Black Rock, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Isaac Spicer.

Miss Grace Smith, of Canady Creek, visited relatives here last week.

Mr. McGarvey and Mr. Wheeler, of Morden, called on friends here recently.

Mrs. Howard Ogilvie, of Victoria, visited her father, Capt. A. E. Spicer, the past week.

Messrs. Emerson and Daniel Spicer were the guests of relatives in Garland on the 24th.

Miss Fannie M. Givan was a recent guest of her friend, Miss Amanda Burns, Burlington.

Messrs. Kenneth and Harry Morse, of Berwick, have been busily engaged the past week on their farm on the Base Line Road.

Owing to the recent wash-out along the shore the fishermen will have to get busy and rebuild their seines.

One of the most prominent young men in Burlington is busily engaged in breaking in his colt. Mr. Burns has one of the finest colts in Kings County.
