August 26, 1931



AUGUST 26, 1931


Miss Nina Curry is a patient at the Memorial Hospital, Berwick, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis on Friday last. Her many friends will be glad to know that she is doing as well as can be expected.

On Thursday of last week a group of Boy Scouts, from Grafton and vicinity, to the number of about sixteen, in charge of Mr. C. H. Burgess as Scout Master, pitched their tent near Mr. Ben Bezanson’s cottage adjoining his store and warehouse, which they are also occupying. The boys are spending a week here, and to all appearances seem to be having the time of their young lives. Boating and bathing are apparently the chief attractions. On Sunday evening, Dr. Park preached a masterly sermon to the boys in the Harborville Church, at which all members of the Scout group were present.

L. H. Brown, Postmaster Parker, and several other stalwarts of the Liberal Party in this vicinity are planning to take in the Liberal Rally at the Berwick Camp Grounds today. As "Lem" expressed it, "the Camp Meeting association must have unbounded confidence in the Liberal Association of Kings County to permit them the privilege of entering the sacred grounds."

Early Sunday morning, at high tide, Captain Morris, with a party of about twenty young people from Berwick, equipped with all kinds of delicious eatables for luncheon and supper, sailed out of the harbor in the Captain’s graceful and capacious yacht, "Nyanza," bound on an excursion across the bay and to Isle o’Haute. The weather being all that could be desired, the occasion was greatly enjoyed by all members of the party. The return trip was made during the early evening.

Needless to say, every resident of Harborville will regret the anticipated closing this week of the Harborville Hotel, which has been open since the latter part of June under the very able management of Mrs. Ina Foote, assisted by her daughter Georgia. The hotel has been very generously patronized throughout the season, and both Mrs. Foote and the proprietor, Mr. Ben Bezanson, are well satisfied with the results. Mrs. Foote and daughter have made many friends here, both among their guests and throughout the village, who will be very glad to welcome them to Harborville next season.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rood, of Berwick, are occupying Mr. Bezanson’s large cottage at the foot of the hill.

Mrs. Harold Eccles, after spending five weeks at the Harborville Hotel, left on Wednesday last to return to her home in Toronto.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Chute and family and Miss Francis Chute of South Berwick, are occupying Mr. L. H. Brown’s residence (known as the Barlowe property).

The following were among the guests registered at the Harborville Hotel during the past week: - Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ells, Mr. Frank Ells, Canning; Mr. and Mrs. L. Woodworth, Mr. Donald Woodworth, Mrs. Aubrey Rand, Misses Marion and Eleanor Rand, Mr. Eustace Rand, Miss H. M. McLachey, Mrs. Percy Starr, Mr. G. H. Starr, Port Williams; Miss Hazel L. Pineo, White’s Corner; Mrs. Hantford Rawding, Miss Delia McBride, Mrs. T. R. Lyons, Waterville; Mr. R. S. Lank, D. W. Yart, Truro; Mr. Paul Brown, Mr. G. L. Robinson, Lakeville; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Rand, Port Williams; Miss Edna Foote, Canada Creek; Miss Louise Balsor, Base Line Road; Mr. Archie Anderson, Mr. Basil Anderson, Parrsboro; Mrs. J. Buchanan, Mr. John Buchanan, Jr., Berwick; Mr. and Mrs. Temple Piers, Miss Lalia Piers, Miss Ellen Piers, Brazil, S. A.; Miss Maud McLachey, Mr. George Starr, Starr’s Point.
