August 25th, 1897

August 25th, 1897


Harborville has become very popular as a summer resort, and is full of visitors.

Miss Stella Balcom is home on a visit to her parents.

Mrs. Wm McBride is the guest of Capt. S. McBride.

Dr. Fred Parker is spending a few days at his old home and has with him a friend from New Glasgow.

Mrs. Thos. Saunders has two daughters at home from the United States.

The Misses Cahill have been spending a few weeks with their father, Mr. Jas Cahill.

The Baptist Sunday school, of Berwick, held their picnic here on Tuesday, the 13th inst.

Saturday the 14th was marked by the event of the season. The Welsford Sunday school was over on a picnic excursion. Several Berwick parties drove the Evangelists, Crossley, Hunter and Kerby and a few friends, over to the shore for a day's outing. With characteristic kindness Mrs. Parker and the young ladies of the CE provided dinner and tea for the whole company. In the afternoon people from far and near crowded the church to hear the evangelists. The strangers were loud in their praises of Harborville's hospitality, and Harborville enjoyed the visit of the strangers and will be pleased to receive another visit from them.
