August 17th, 1911

August 17, 1911


Mrs. E. L. Curry and little daughter Nina are enjoying the cool sea breezes at the shore.

We are glad to see Mrs. Leander Margeson out again after her recent illness.

Capt. William Perry, accompanied by a party of friends, made a flying trip to Halifax Harbor recently, in his trim little yacht Crest.

Mrs. William Connor, of Wakefield, Mass., and Mrs. William Caldwell and son Robert, of Yarmouth, are visiting their father, Capt. Samuel McBride.

Our sporty fisherman, Fred O. Ayer, Boardman Margeson, Clyde Barteaux, and Willie Perry, although losing lots of sleep, report fish very scarce.

We regret to report our genial friend, Fred O. Ayer, sick with a bad cold.

Mrs. Wilbur Spicer, of Charlestown, Mass., is spending a few weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morris.

Mr. Ingram Connor is having the time of his life breaking his colt, and judging from the success he is having, we expect to see him on the race track soon.

Mrs. Dora Barteaux, of Bay View Cottage, is kept very busy these hot days serving lunches and ice cream to the tourists.

Mr. Watson Wiswell, of Lynn, Mass., has been spending a few days at the shore.

Miss Carmon Barteaux, of Advocate Harbor, spent a few days last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Perry.

Clarence T. Spicer arrived on Wednesday, of last week from a visit with friends in Canning and Halifax, and reports a very nice time.

Miss Grace Thomas, of Middleton, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Kate Ayer.

Capt. Bloomfield Morris and wife arrived on Wednesday from Rockland, Maine, in his beautiful yacht Nile.

Our new bridge, near Mr. Leander Margeson’s, contracted for and built by Capt. E. L. Curry, is greatly admired.

Our fleet of vessels has been enlarged by the pretty little schooner Gleaner, recently purchased by the Spicer brothers, Capt. Ned and Clarence.

Mr. Percy Morris, light house keeper at Isle au Haute, with his wife, spent Sunday at Bay View Cottage.

Clarence T. Spicer, his sister Mrs. C. M. Perry and daughter Lila, who have been spending their vacation with their parents, left to return to Boston on Monday.

Mr. Morris Hussy, from the North West is visiting his cousin, Miss Lena Kennealy.

Capt. E. L. Curry and Michael Hannifin arrived on Wednesday from the North Shore with a cargo of sheep and cattle, in the schooner Aggie Curry.

Mr. Perlie MacBride, Officer on S. S. Prince George, was a recent visitor to Harborville.

Quite a number from this place attended campmeeting at Berwick this week.

Capt. Charles McBride and family have returned to their home in Waterville.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ogilvie and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ogilvie of Morden were guests of Capt. and Mrs. Ed. Spicer on Sunday.
