HM Council depositions 1686

Richard Stafford:

deposition before His Majesty's Council, 14 August 1686

The deposition of of Richard Stafford aged about 54 years yt he never see, heard or knew of any letter or writing from any person or persons in or belonging to any of ye tribes of ye Somers Islands in Bermuda relating any ways their bringing or assisting me to be brought off the Josiah Frigatt duringye whole time of my being there a prisoner unles it was for ye tendering bale but was told by Paul Abney yt he had tould ye GoverE yt there was a letter to yt purpose & swore by God he contrived it to scare ye GoverE and I asked him if Capt Sharp was concerned in ye contriving thereof to which he swore noe, he was asleep and further saith not.

Richard Stafford

Sworne to before ye Councell ye 14th day of Augt 1686