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Mrs Eliza Peniston
Royal Gazette, No 14, vol 1, 8 April 1828

"Died- At the Flatts on Wednesday last, after a protacted nd distressing illness, Mrs Eliza Peniston wife of Frances(sp) R Peniston Esq. - Eulogisms on the dead are in some measure superfluous- but as a pattern for mankind- was a guide to the paths of virtue, and as Mr P. (if allowed the expressed) was the "Daughter of Religion" it cannot otherwise than draw forth a few remarks on the amiability of the life and conduct of the present deceased, and of that Christian fortitude which presented itself throughout all her afflictions-. That she was a tender and affectionate wife none can deny- and with regard to the mother's love it will ever be stamped on her moral frame. In her approaching  description every possible composure of mind was evoked, and the most important of all, a deep manifestation of the sound faith in her Redeemer whereby she could say, with cheerfulness- "On to thy breast oh let me lie, And with a decent triumph die." To the poor Mrs. P., lent her halping hand- and any who applied for relief, received all charitable assistance- indeed, she was beloved by all around her, and (strictly speaking) was uniformly humanized and adorned by meakness and simplicity. To call whom she has left behind must own the decree of Almighty wisdom, right, and say with the poet, "We must adore the chast'ning rod And own the sad privation just.- Bermuda Gaz.