
Darrell, John
guardianship 17 Dec 1679

Memord that upon the 17th day of Decemb:r 1679 personally appeared before the R:t Hon:ble Sir Robert Robinson Ln:t Govern:r & Ordinary of Bermudas als Somer Islands the above mentioned John Darrell (sonn of Esq'r John Darrell of Pagets tribe deseased) aged about fouerteene yeares and with the comfort and desire of his mother M:rs Marie Darrell (she being desirus to relinquish her guardianship) voluntarily choose his uncle M:r Joseph Darrell of Devon: Tribe to be his guardian and by the authority of ye aforesd Govern:or & Ordinary is so admitted to all intents & purposes.

Jno: Tucker, Dep'ty Secretie