
Minutes of His Majesty's Council

June ye 5th 1686

Att a councell held at St Georges.

Memorand. That upon divers complaints made unto his Excelly of the great annoyance to ships and boats in ye Towne Harbour, from ye Pinke Bachelors Adventure, by breeding wormes in ye said harbour, his Excellency thereupon commanded Capt John Hubbard Depty Sher to remove ye sd Pinke, who answered (as by his letter dated ye 2nd day of June 1686, may appear) that he had nothing to doe with ye removall of ye said pinke, desiring to be excused for that he had no judgement in those things; James Smailes being required to remove ye said pinke by ye Rt Honble Governor's order, delivered him by Lieut. William Jones, Capt Samll Brangman, Mr John Huchins, Councellors, Capt John Tucker, John Jauncye, Depty Sectry. The said Smailes answered that he would not concerne himself with her while shee lay sunke; whereupon it was thought fitt by His Excellency and those of his Councell above sd that some speedy course should be taken for ye removing of ye said pinke, to prevent further damage to ye said Harbour.


Att a councell table held at St George's ye 5th day of June 1686. Then present.

The Rt Honble Richd Cony, Gover etc.
Lieut Willm Jones
Capt Samll Brangman                             Councells
Mr John Hutchins
Capt John Tucker

To ye Justices of ye peace & military officers in ye Somers Islands whereas divers informacons have been lately given of the great danger this country lies under at present, from ye Spaniards, who hath threatened sodainly to invade it. It is therefore thought fitt, and ordered by his Excellency & Councell that a strict atte. be taken of all his Maties armes in ye respective tribes, which said armes, those only which have not of their owne, and are poor & indigent, and also sufficient, & able to bear armes, may (for ye present) make use of them and further that provisions be forwith made to furnish such (who are themselves unable) with powder and shott. And that by Michaellmas next, all persons be provided with good armes of their owne, that his Maties armes may be returned to ye magaseens, this being ye last time I shall repeat my publicacons concerning this affaire, which if not obeyed, shall be recorded as a contempt.


St Georges, June ye 5th 1686

By ye Rt Honble ye Governor

To the Justices of the Peace, Military Officers and other ye Inhabitants of the Somer Islands

Whereas some of the platformes belonging to his Maties Csatle are much ruined and demolished, and like wise some of the carriages of guns there altogether unserviceable. These are therefore to require ye in his Maties name forthwith to collect a sume of money in ye severall Tribes, for ye repaire of the said platformes, and carriages. That ye guns may be remounted and made serviceable, which is at present so absolutely necessary for the defence of his Maties Island, and yr owne safety, there being so frequent reports of late that this place is threatened, and likewise that an assessment be laid for the payment of the Castle soldiers which have been so long unpaid. That they may be incouraged to do their duty in this present time of danger, adn also for ye future which may probably be no less dangerous.

Published in ye Churches.