Minutes of His Majesty' Council

Minutes of HM Council: 18 June 1701

C1700, the people were experiencing problems with actions of Edward Jones, Sheriff/Provost Marshall General of Bermuda. It culminated 18 Jun 1701 with a report brought to the House of Assembly by the Committee of Grievances, accusing Edward Jones of exacting and taking double the fees set by an act of Assembly, mistreating prisoners and denying lodging and food, not providing proper care for supplies and ammunition at King's Castle, and for abusing of a pregnant woman and drawing his sword against her husband, among other grievances. The Committee did humbly pray that his Excellency in Council would be pleased to suspend Mr Jones from all his said offices and profits thereunto belonging, and that he may be left open to the law to ave its due course upon him, and also that the Governor would be pleased to appoint other persons as should be better qualified for the aforesaid offices.

(reference: Ancient Journals of the House of Assembly of Bermuda Vol I, p55-57)