
Minutes of His Majesty's Council

Minutes of HM Council: Memorandum 22 May 1686

22nd May Memorand. That ye Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy were taken by the Rt Honble Richard Cony, Govere. etc Capt John Hubbard, Dept Sher John Jaunceye, Depty Sectry, and all the rest of ye Councell except Capt Geo Bascomb, who laied his hand uppon ye booke, in order there unto, but was forbid by ye Govern, who said he should not take it there, for that he should be none of his Councel. That the Depty Sher moved that ye Rt Honble ye Gove might take ye oath of Governt; to which he answered, That noe person there had authority to give him an oath in yt case.