Minutes of His Majesty

Minutes of His Majesty's Council

Minutes of HM Council:  14 October 1696

Att a Council table held at the House of his Excellcy the Governor in the Towne of St Georges on the 14th day of October In the yeare of our Lord 1696.

His Excellency John Goddard Esq Governor
Samuell Trott Esq
Coll Wm Peniston
Capt Gilbert Nelson
Capt Richard Peniston
Capt John Tucker
Capt Wm Outerbridge

On reading a letter this day sent to his Excellency the Governor by Isaac Richier Esq dated the 12th day of October signifying his difficulty to procure Security to seale the bond proposed To bee entred into To abide by the King and Councill's determination in all matters in difference betweene him and his Excellency the Governor. Itt is the opinion of this board, That the said letter is not in any wise complying with the king's letter in this behalf Yett Notwithstanding his Excellency the Governor was so far pleased to consider the said Isaac Richier to send the Three persons above named and offer him to take his owne bond: with condition to hand to the Arbitration and Determination of Two Indifferent persons to bee Nominated betweene them,  and the Governor would restore his goods.