Minutes of His Majesty

Minutes of His Majesty's Council

Minutes of HM Council: Monday 6 July 1696

Att a Council table holden att the Sessions House in St Georges on Monday the sixth day of July In the yeare of our Lord 1696.


His Excellency John Goddard Esq Governor
Capt Gilbert Nelson
Capt Richard Peniston
Capt John Tucker
Coll William Peniston
Samuel Trott Esq
Capt William Outerbridge

Ordered That Capt John Tucker Do by Mr Francis Jones Send to Barbados for four barrells of fine gunpowder for the Publick use And that Charles Minors the Dty Stc.ty do pay unto the said Capt Tucker the Powder money in his hands when the said gunpowder comes hither. And also That hee the said Capt John Tucker do likewise send for 30 Militia swords and Belts for the accommodation of Poormen who are not able to buy them.

Ordered that all and every person and persons in and throughout thses Islands who shall from time to time be appointed to watch this Sumer Time in the respective Tribes in these Islands shall make any default in his due turne of watching by himself or some able person for him  att the place appointed sufficiently armed that then such defaulter shall forfeitt and pay the sume of Two shillings and eight pence for every such default The same to bee Leavied on refusall by distress and sale of the Offenders Goods by the Justice Warrant.

On a motion by His Excellency the Governor about the Weakness of the Watch att the Castle.

Ordered that two able and sufficient persons with good armes be provided out of St Georges Parish and the respective Tribe in these Islands by the Capt of the same to goe Weekely to and keepe a diligent Watch att the Castle Constantly Day and night by turne And That Two be sent out of St Georges Parish on Monday next andf then Two out of Hamilton Tribe and so throughout these Islands To be sent Every Monday and to continue a Whole week untill they shall bee relieved by the succeeding And that the said two persons be allowed eight shillings for every weeks Watching to be paid out of the Publick money weekly They finding themselves provisions. The said Watches shall bee duly paid by Capt William Jones And Capt John Tucker to repay him out of the Publick money in his hands.

Att the same Councill Table

Ordered That the Accounts and matters in difference between Mr Peter Whalley of the Kingdon of England by his Attorney Thomas Durham and Samuel Daffy of these Islands be auditted by Capt Gilbert Nelson and Capt John Tucker who are desired to accept and undertake the same.

And it is ordered That the said parties do bring their Accounts papers and demands before them the said Referees for their perusall att such time and place as they shall appoint a report whereof is to be returned to this board on next Councill day being the first Monday in August next.

Also ordered that Mr Durham to be served with this Order and that the parties attend the auditors on Wednesday next by Nine of the Clock att the Flatts att Gr Penistons With their papers.

Ordered that the hearing of the Bill and answer depending between Mr Samuell Harvey and Mr Richard Norwood referred till Mr Harvey return from Sea.