Unsere Deutsche Wurzeln - Our German Roots


Website Copyright B. G. Wiehle, 2002-2011.

Note 1: Items now in the public domain remain in the public domain; copyright materials used with permission remain the intellectual property of the copyright holder.

Note 2: Original copyrights of documents & images on this website were applicable to a number of jurisdictions: Germany, Poland, Austria-Hungary, Hungary, Romania, Canada, United States of America.

TEXT Original authors are named on pages or parts of pages, when text was written by someone other than me (B.G. Wiehle). Sources of published articles are given.
Texts may be public domain (copyright expired or never applied) or used with permission (specifically noted).
When applicable, modifications made by me (transcription, translation, derivation & expansion, comments & footnotes, etc.) are noted.
DATABASES All databases included here were developed by me from the sources named.
Although I can't claim the facts (names & dates) as my own, in all cases I have tried to give extra value in some way.
Most of these databases are in pdf format and have contact information in the footer.
PHOTOS Most of the photographs were taken by me or were scanned from family photos. Family portraits generally do not include the studio's name.
Postcards are attributed from the information on the reverse.
Other sources (published or archive photographs) are specifically noted.
GRAPHICS As with the other types of copyright materials, some are my creations and some are other's work. My graphics fall into several categories: icons, diagrams, charts and maps.
Some of my graphics are available for others to use. Some conditions apply.
PRESENTATION This website uses Cascading Style Sheets and templates to achieve a consistent look. See Website History for discussion of development the website, improvements to graphics, navigation, addition of css, validation, etc.
Meta tags usually list me as author, but meta tags for sources, contributors & translators are also used. 

email bgwiehle@quadro.net


General Statements regarding copyrights 

Caveat lector: I’m not a copyright expert; these statements are derived from my research on the topic.



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