Answers to GW

Answers to GW

1. False: He kept his own dark brown hair lightly powdered.
2. True: The story of the cherry tree was dreamed up by a biographer who never met him.
3. True: Very little is known about George’s childhood because he kept the details of his childhood to himself.
4. True: His great strengths were in his qualities of leadership, endurance, and the ability to inspire those around him. He had painstakingly taught himself to read and was always self-conscious about his limited schooling.
5. False: He did not want to abolish lotteries, card games, and horses races. Along with dancing, those were a few of his favorite things.
6. True: George had a terrible temper. Those who witnessed it said it was like a volcano erupting.
7. False: He was not frugal - he enjoyed living lavishly, and spent every cent of his $25,000 annual salary as President.
8. False: He was surveyor of Culpeper County by the age 17 not 23.
9. False: George and Martha did not have 12 children. They raised two children from her previous marriage but had no offspring of their own.
10. True: George stood 6 feet 3 inches high and weighed 200 pounds, and at 50, he could throw a cannonball farther than any of his young officers.
11. False: He was not born to great wealth; he grew wealthy through fortunate inheritance and a good marriage.
12. True: Apart from the Nation's Capital, 33 counties, seven mountains, nine colleges and 121 post offices, his image is on zillions of quarters and dollar bills