American Revolution War Soldiers & Their Descendants

American Revolutionary War Soldiers & Their Descendants

" Remembered and Not Forgotten "

NEW !!- French & Indian War Soldiers- read below

These pages contain the email and/or URL addresses of descendants or persons who can give you some background on the revolutionary soldier that is listed with each email address. The email address on this index page you are reading now is only for submissions and problems about the website, not for queries.

Guidelines for submitting your ancestor

If your ancestor is not listed, and you are willing to share information to others about your ancestor, these are the guidelines for sending in your Revolutionary or Fr.& Ind. War ancestor. (You MUST be willing to respond to those who write you about your ancestor)
Please list in this order:
	1) Send name of your soldier ancestor as: SURNAME, firstname
	2) Send state of residence or service of ancestor in abbeviation and parenthesis: (NY)
	3) Send your email address and/or the URL of a page specific to the soldier's name
	4) Send your name as: John Doe, 
	5) Please put either Revolution ancestor or F&I ancestor in Subject line.

If you really want to make it easier for us to list your ancestor, and see that it is indexed faster, please either copy and paste or fill in the appropriate areas with the proper html code as follows:
[p>SURNAME firstname (STATE Abbreviation) [A HREF="mailto: [email protected]">Your name[/A> [/P>
If you understand html, go ahead and substitue a (<) in place of the opening bracket: [.

Send this information to: Submit ancestor & your email address to be listed as a reference..

Please remember that we do not offer research services, the purpose of this site is to simply list your ancestor's name with your contact address so others may contact you.

A third way to submit your ancestor is to submit it with this guestbook registry. It will be added to the indexes later, but will be instantly available under new unindexed entries:
Submit Revolutionary War Ancestor into guestbook for later indexing
View Newest entries of Rev. War Soldiers

NOTE: The information given on these pages is for genealogical research only & not affliated with DAR or SAR, etc.. You will need to research & send for the documentation of your ancestor.

To be updated so check back! NOTE: Those with the same first & last name & state of enlistment will be grouped together unless they have a different state of enlistment or middle name, etc. Sorry, but due to the volume of data, & DAR numbers will not be added, and we limit the numer of descendants to two. However, please feel free to list as many Rev. War ancesors as you like. Hopefully this surname index will aid in genealogical research. Happy Hunting & THANK YOU to all who contributed to this web site!

Table of Contents- ARW Soldiers

Please advise if any e-mail link fails to work. Thanks.

ABa--Bl -- BrCa--Cm
G Ha-- Hi -- Hm I
Ma--Mm N O
Sa-- Sm T U
V Wa--Wm X

Go to- French & Indian War Soldiers

Please follow submission instructions above to send in your list of Soldiers whom fought in the French & Indian War (unless they are listed with you in the Rev. War section. Put French/Indian in the SUBJECT line.

ARW Soldiers Web Sites

Visit this neat RW Web Site> Virtual Marching Tour of the American Revolution

Indian Captives of Early American Pioneers Web Site

General Anthony Wayne's Men: Legion of the United States, the first U.S. Army , established by President George Washington after the Revolution, were trained by General (Mad) Anthony Wayne at Legion Ville on the east bank of the Ohio River.

E-mail your requests for forms: Put 'Military Forms' in the subject line. In the message body include the form number and name as well as the number of copies you would like. Forms available: Form 80 (Military Service & Pension Records-prior to WWI) Form 81 (Passenger arrivals) Form 82 (Copies of Census records) Form 83 (Eastern Cherokee Applications) Form 180 (Military Service Records after WWI)

Thanks to ROOTSWEB for providing the space for this Revolutionary War Soldiers Project. Icons were provided by Randy's Icon Bazaar. This web site belongs to the descendants of the American Revolutionary War Soldiers. Suggestions are welcomed. - please send me a message.

Many thanks to Debbie Malec, who founded this website and operated it the first year -------

Sign the American Revolutionary Soldiers Guestbook, submit a related question or URL
View The American Revolutionary Guestbook
Guestbook by Lpage

OTHER AMERICAN pre 20th century WARS:


Please follow submission instructions above to send in your list of Soldiers whom fought in the French & Indian War (unless they are listed with you in the Rev. War section. Put French/Indian in the SUBJECT line.

FRENCH SOLDIERS in the FRENCH & INDIAN WAR, Listings for Letter B-French & Indian War
Go to the bottom of the page and there's a link to the rest of the alphabet.

WAR of 1812 SOLDIERS, Lists and Links (Enter your War of 1812 ancestor in a self entry form).

This page is maintained by:

Randy DeCuir
and the following volunteers:
Phyllis Burwitz
C.Gail Kenney
Dianne Stenzel