Arkansas City, Arkansas
Saturday, December 23, 1882, Vol. 4, No. 9


Issued Every Saturday by the Journal Publishing Company, J. W. Dickinson, Jr.. Bus. Mgr.


The arrival of the steamer Kate Adams on her maiden trip in the Memphis and Arkansas City trade is the apology--if any were needed--to allude to our distinguished fellow-citizen Major John D. Adams. A native of Arkansas, and a life-time devotee to the interests of the State, energetic, liberal, progressive, far-seeing--Major Adams has, perhaps, done more than any living man to develop and improve the condition of the State. Honored at home and abroad, distinguished alike for his deeds and his virtues, he will, it is to be hoped, long live to see the good results of his many noble acts. With heavy investments in the realty of our city and a superbly appointed steamer devoted alone to the trade between this point and Memphis, what citizen is there who will not and does not feel it his duty to help our own city by liberal patronage of the Kate Adams? While the JOURNAL is not the champion or mouthpiece of any one man or line of trade, it feels that justice should be meted out to where it belongs, hence a kind remembrance of the Kate Adams and her noble owner is asked from all.


Early risers who were astir at daylight this morning were the first to catch the welcome sound of the long whistle of the Kate Adams as she came around Chocktaw bend, and in half an hour the whole town was agog with curiosity and excitement over the arrival of the new boat. A dense fog on the river prevented a sight of her, though many eyes were strained in the direction from which she was to appear. It had been arranged that a committee of city officers and citizens were to take a tug and meet her, to make the welcome more binding, as it were, but the impenetrable fog cut out this part of the programme. About eight o'clock it was known that she had passed the city and gone down to the levee camps to discharge some men and supplies, and when her whistle announced her approach to the elevator a rush of people to the wharf and the boom of anvils immediately followed.

As soon as she was made fast, people flocked on board in crowds, and all confessed that no prettier or more complete steamboat ever touched at this port. Her magnificent cabin was an especial theme of admiration. The whole boat, from pilot-house to the railway tracks in the hold, were carefully inspected and the verdict was "She is a good one, and no mistake!" Maj. John D. Adams, who came down from Memphis on the boat, cordially received all callers, welcoming them on board in his heartiest manner. Capt. Cheek and the other officers gave every attention to visitors and sight-seers. Mayor Robb and the members of the City Government arriving on board, the multitude was brought to something like order and His Honor proceeded to deliver a feeling and appropriate address of welcome.

Capt. W. R. Cheek responded to the address of Judge Robb in a short but feeling speech, thanking him and the community he represented for the good feeling manifested in the cordial welcome of the new boat which he had the honor to command.

Miss Mary Eliza Murphy, the accomplished daughter of Mr. James Murphy, of this city, was then introduced and, on behalf of the ladies of the city, presented the boat with a handsome suit of colors...

Captain Yergar of Mississippi, for the officers, gracefully responded to Miss Murphy, assuring her the colors so kindly presented would ever be looked upon with pleasure, as they would call to mind the fair donors.

LANGUAGE WOULD FAIL...were we to attempt a full recital of the beauties and excellencies of the bonnie Kate. Suffice it to say she is more than equal of any boat in the river in point of fittings, furnishings and equipment. Built at a cost of $95,000, she lacks absolutely nothing that goes to make up a literal floating palace.

All of the officers of the Dean Adams, except Steward Matson, were transferred to the new boat. Their long and faithful service in the line entitled them to this recognition, and certainly the patrons of the Dean will be glad to find on board the Kate Adams all their old friends.

The roster is as follows: Mark R. Cheek, Master; A. L. Cummins, Chief Clerk; W. Outlaw, Second Clerk; A. L. Cummins, Jr., Bill Clerk; Henry Powers, Chief Mate; Thomas Kelly, Second Mate; Louis Botto, Chief Engineer; John Botto, Second Engineer; William Hopus, Pilot; Elisha Evins, Pilot; Frank Norris, Steward; Joseph Flynn, Barkeeper. Every one of them well known and deservedly popular in the trade.

"Memphis Appeal, Tuesday. No man who has ever enlisted his capital and energies for Memphis has made a braver fight to preserve her river trade than John D. Adams. For thirty-five years he has been tried, and often by fire, and has proven himself true as the steel of the best Toledo blade. His losses in that time have been many and have been large--in the aggregate well up toward the millions--but he has risen superior to the traduction, hate and malice of his enemies, and is still intimately identified with the city for which much of the best years of his life have been expended. His latest proof of enterprise is the magnificent new steamboat, Kate Adams, which tied up at the landing last night about 10:30 o'clock. She came down the river a blaze of glory, lighted by electricity from stem to stern, inside and outside, upstairs and down, and by the few who were so fortunate as to be on the bluff or at the levee at that late hour was much admired. She undoubtedly is the queen of the river. Her lines are perfect, her proportions true and her cabins are replete with every luxury." The same paper of Wednesday says: "Maj. John D. Adams expresses himself highly pleased with his new boat, and he was never more genial in his life than yesterday in welcoming visitors. Everybody, from the roustabout poorly clad to the most elegantly dressed lady visitor, was received and given free admittance to every part of the boat."

The Louisville Courier-Journal of last Friday has this paragraph concerning the new beauty: "A clear case of 'yonder she comes, here she is, there she goes,' took place in our harbor last evening. The new and beautiful sidewheel passenger steamer Kate Adams, built by James Rees & Sons, Pittsburg, for the Memphis and Arkansas City trade, passed down in front of our city like a blue streak of greased lightning. She had been expected during the day, and many people were disappointed in not getting to see her, and a great many hoped to have the pleasure of visiting her last night. All were disappointed, for she shot by without stopping her wheels, dived into the canal like a thing of life, and is, no doubt, this morning many miles down the river, going like a racehorse and headed for Memphis. Capt. W. C. Tichenor was on the roof, Mr. Will Rees was in the office, the passengers were at supper, and, as old Ike remarked: 'Gentlemen. dat dar boat wur a-gwine down de ribber so dam fas' dat the cap'n wur afraid to let go de bell and go in out'n de cold ter wa'm hisse'f.'"

THE BEST WISHES...of thousands attend the new packet, and that she and her officers may enjoy a long and prosperous career is the universal expression. The boat and the men who control her destinies are certainly worthy all the success that could fall to their lot. May they have it.

She's a daisy, and no mistake!
Jovial Joe Flynn takes the pastry as steamboat barkeeper.
All the officers are as proud of the Kate as if she were akin to them.
Major John D. Adams has been interested in steamboats, as master and owner, for nearly a third of a century.
Steward Norris has a life-long reputation as a skillful caterer, and as a manager of the "living" department of a steamboat he has no superior.
The many friends of Steward Jerry Matson, of the Dean Adams, will be sorry to miss the genial face on the new boat. He resigned to come out on the new Will S. Hays.


Proclamation by the Governor
Whereas, it has been made known to me that on or about the 14th day of August, 1882, the County of Desha, State of Arkansas, one


killed and murdered Robert C. Costello and is now at large. Now, therefore, be it known that I., Thomas J. Churchill, Governor of Arkansas, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Laws of said state, do offer a reward of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS, for the arrest and delivery to the Sheriff of Desha county, Arkansas, of the said R. H. Costello, to the end that he shall stand trial upon the said accusation, and be dealt with as law and justice may require.
DESCRIPTION: Said Robert H. Costello is about 25 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, will weigh about 140 pounds, is of light sallow complection, has rather light auburn hair, and has upon one leg an old sore from the effects of which he walks with a perceptible limp.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the State to be affixed at Little Rock, this the 15th day of September. A.D. 1882.
T. J. Churchill, Governor
Jacob Frolich, Secretary of State



DUNAWAY & CO., Novelties in Fancy Goods Selected Expressly for Christmas Presents

Orders Taken and Promptly Filled ... Address Postoffice Box 135.

S. E. SWEET, Contractor and Builder, Repair of Buildings, P.O.Box 135

Choice Groceries, Plantation Supplies
Front Street, Arkansas City.

Wholesale and Retail -- Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Tobacco, Etc.
Plant Building, Cor. Third & Front Strs.

C. P. SMITH, Physician Surgeon,
Office at Lowman & Bros. Drug Store.
Residence on Fourth St. near walnut tree.

C. P. TOBIN, Physician and Surgeon,
Office at Dunaway & Co. Drug Store,
Residence at Rev. John Pryor's.

JAMES MURPHY, Attorney at Law, Arkansas City.

PINDALL & MERRITT, Attorneys at Law, Arkansas City.

H. THANE, Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Land and General Collecting Agent, Arkansas City.

J. W. DICKINSON and G. W. MILLER, Attorneys at Law, Arkansas City.

JAMES DUFFY, Justice of the Peace, Franklin Township,
Office at Courthouse, Arkansas City

Several No.1 Plantations, cheap and on liberal terms.
Apply to Dickinson & Miller.

JNO. YEISER, General Insurance Agt., Arkansas City

JOE ZERGA - Imported Candies, Crystallized Fruits Bonbons for Christmas.

Select New York Oysters Served any Style Desired.

A Weekly Paper Devoted to the Interests of Desha County and Southeast Arkansas.  Issued Every Saturday by the Journal Publishing Company,
J. W. Dickinson, Jr.. Bus. Mgr., Subscription, $1.50 a Year, in Advance.

CRENSHAW'S Fall and Winter Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Family and Plantation Supplies, Iron, Hardware, Nails, and Agricultural Implements.

We Keep always on hand all Sizes and Styles of Coffins, Caskets, Undertakers Goods, etc.

J. M. SCARRY, Dealer Fresh Meats and Game of All Kinds
Rear of Crenshaw's, Arkansas City

Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Tobacco, Paint, Coal Oil, Lamps, Guns, Ammunition..

C. W. MARTIN SAW MILL, Reedville, Ark.
Lumber shipped to any point on the railroad.

Lv. Memphis for Arkansas City every Monday and Thursday.
Lv. Arkansas City for Memphis every Tuesday and Friday.
Mark R. Cheek, Master; A. L. Cummins, Clerk

Copyright 2000 by Louis Reitzammer


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