Arkansas City, Arkansas
Thursday, April 14, 1898

J. W. Davis, Editor and Proprietor


Transcribed from microfilm by Louis Reitzammer. Excerpts include only local items containing personal names and events believed to be of interest to family history researchers.



Mr. J. B. Amburn returned home Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Trippe, of Trippe, were in the city Monday.

W. W. Bowles came in Monday to attend the funeral of his daughter, Mrs. M. E. Davis.

Mrs. W. Bowles arrived here Saturday to attend the sickbed of her daughter, Mrs. Mollie Davis. She will return home Friday.

Mrs. J. B. Amburn arrived here Monday evening in response to a message announcing the death of her sister, Mrs. J. W. Davis. She returned home again today.

Mr. Frank Hawley returned from Clayton, La., Tuesday, where he has been attending Mrs. Hawley, who is quite sick. Mr. Hawley informs us that the physicians pronounce her past recovery; that it is only a question of a few days before she will pass away with that dreadful and ever fatal disease, galloping consumption. Mr. Hawley will return to her soon. He has our sympathy in his sad trial.



Mrs. Mollie E. Davis

Mrs. J. W. Davis (nee Mollie E. Bowles) was born November 4, 1856, and died of pneumonia, April 11, 1898. She was a native of Arkansas, and always lived in the State. She was married to Mr. John W. Davis on the 27th of December, 1885, by Rev. A. P. Few. Since her marriage she has lived with her husband in Arkansas City, whereshe put forth her most earnest endeavors to render her home and her husband happy. It is ever a sad rite to chronicle the death of a citizen of our town, and yet sadder when we mention the departure of a noble woman; butthis is an exceptionally sad case. Mrs. Davis generally enjoyed good health and, being of an unusually industrious turn of mind, executed moe than an ordinary amount of literary work, besides a great deal of the mechanical labor in the newspaper business in which her husbandis engaged, and performed her household duties as well.

The very large concourse of people who attended her funeral at Mound Cemetery was truly indicative of the very high esteem in which she was held by the people who knew her all her life. She was a faithful and true wife, a kindand affectionate daughter, a devoted and loving syster, and a most generous and obliging friend and neighbor.

She leaves her husband lonely, indeed, with on one in his home to share his grief and sorrow. From our town has departed a noble woman and valued neighbor; from hishome has gone its sunshine and gladness. But we all shall treasure her sweet memory and strive to emulate all her virtues, adding to the good she has done. --Her friend, R. Luther Broach



Language cannot express my gratitude to the dear friends who rendered so faithful service to my wife during her late illness; also to those who so kindly remembered her appreciation of flowers, for the many floral tributes, especially the little children whose contributions were so numerous and appropriately designed.

Respectfully, J. W. DAVIS


A Tribute to Mrs. R. W. Smith from the W. F. M. Society

While the entire church is deeply grieved over the loss of Sister Smith, the W. F. M. Society, of which she was president during the year just past, is sadly bereaved. Sister Smith was a charter member of the Auxiliary of the W. F. M. Society of Arkansas City. On account of ill health and afflictions in her family she could not attend the meetings for almost a year prior to her death, yet she loved the cause and always gave liberally for its advancement.

Our Society is sad over the death of our departed Sister, and while we mourn, it is not as those who have no hope. Through our tears we look up and say, "We will meet beyond the river."

Therefore, be it resolved:

First--That we bow in hunble submission to Him who doeth all things right.
Second--That we tender our sympathy to the bereaved husband and children.
Third--That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our Society and copies be sent to the Arkansas City JOURNAL and ENTERPRISE, and to the family.

Mrs. R. L. Broach
Mrs. J. S. Johnson
Mrs. Wm. Tobias
Mrs. W. M. Ogburn
Mrs. V. Robb
Mrs. J. W. Dickinson
Mrs. W. Nimo
Mrs. Mamie McKennon
Mrs. H. H. Burrus


A Resolution of Respect for Mrs. A. E. Lacy from the W. F. M. Society

The Death Angel has again invaded the ranks of the Arkansas City Auxiliary of the W. F. M. Society. This time He claimed as His victim our dear Sister Lacy. She has been a great sufferer for years, and never had the pleasure of meeting with us in our Society meetings; but her heart was in her work. A more patient sufferer we have never seen; a sweet spirited Christian has laid her armor by to enter that sweet rest prepared for the faithful.

Resolved, That we sincerely sympathize with the family in this sad bereavement, and may they recognize the loving Father's hand in this affliction.

Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our Society and that a copy be sent to the family and to each of the town papers.

Mrs. R. L. Broach
Mrs. J. S. Johnson
Mrs. W. Nimo
Mrs. Wm. Tobias
Mrs. J. W. Dickinson
Mrs. V. Ross
Mrs. W. M. Ogburn
Mrs. Mamie McKennon
Mrs. H. H. Burrus

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