DAR Tristan de Luna Chapter, Mobile, Alabama
In every administration, the new
President General undertakes a project to
support and promote during her tenure.
The President General's Project allows
the current administration to take
relevant pressing needs that embody the
mission of the National Society. The
symbol of the current administration,
three entwined circles, represents
friendship, service, and commitment; the
three-fold motto of DAR: God, Home,
and Country; and the three-fold mission
to promote historic preservation,
education, and patriotism. The theme of
the Wright Administration is:
Preserve the past,
Enhance the Present,
Invest in the Future
Mobile, Alabama
The DAR Insignia is the property of, and is copyrighted by, the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Web hyperlinks to non-DAR sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual chapters. This site
was linked to National in 2000 and last revised in November 2011. This site is hosted by Rootsweb.
For site comments, questions, or other issues click here. (c) Tristan de Luna Chapter, NSDAR
The National Society for the Daughters of the American Revolution was
incorporated on October 11, 1890, and incorporated by an Act of Congress
in 1896.
The DAR’s objectives are Historic Preservation, Education, Patriotism
and the motto is God, Home, and Country.
There are currently 170,000 members belonging to more than 3,000
chapters in the United States and there are International Chapters in
Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada, France, Germany, Japan,
Mexico, Spain, and the United Kingdom. More than 890,000 women have
joined the DAR since its founding in1890.
Eligibility: Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or
ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the
American Revolution. For more information on DAR Membership, click
here or contact the Tristan de Luna’s Registrar Susan Crowson.
D A R _Facts
Chapter Ancestors
Chapter Programs
DAR- Richards Museum
National Society DAR
Alabama Society DAR
Merry Ann T. Wright,
President General
Chapter Meetings: Orgnized for working women, the Tristan de Luna
Chapter of the National Society for the Daughters of the American
Revolutions (DAR) meets on the second Saturday of the month from
Septbember through May with the exception of Decemeber.
Our Chapter's Offices and Commitee's are always working to further
the DAR's objectives. To contact our chapter, click here.
(c) 2011