Escambia County, Alabama

Lookup Volunteers

Rules for Lookup Volunteers

  • Volunteers may do unlimited lookups if and only if:
    1. The lookup volunteer is the actual author and copyright holder of the publication.
    2. The lookup volunteer is using primary source documents ... whether they are treking to the courthouse or using their own xeroxed copies of public domain documents.
    3. The lookup volunteer has written permission from the author / copyright holder to use their publication for lookups
  • Volunteers may be able to make certain limited scope lookups in copyrighted publications under the "fair use" provisions of existing law.
  • Potential volunteers are encouraged to review the explanations of copyright protection, especially the "fair use" provisions, available at

Rules for Lookup Requests

To request a lookup from any of the references, click on the name of the owner and ask them politely. Remember,
          they are volunteers so they don't have to do this. Please remember to say thank you to the volunteer.
  • Mention the name of the book in your message.
    • Our volunteers aren't mind-readers &
    • they may not remember which books they volunteered for.
  • Make your requests for lookup limited in scope.
    • "Tell me everything about the Smiths" is probably too broad.
-- Researchers should not ask, nor may lookup volunteers offer, to violate copyright laws in responding to requests for lookups in any copyrighted material. --

If you haven't already read it, please go to the US GenWeb Copyrights FAQ Page and read it carefully before you
request a lookup or volunteer to do lookups. This page has important information about copyright laws as they
apply to the USGenWeb project.

If you own or have easy access to any kind of reference materials pertaining to Escambia County,
Alabama genealogy or
history, and you would be willing to do lookups on a voluntary basis, pleaseKellie Crnkovich.
Your efforts will certainly be appreciated.


Lookup Volunteers
  "History of Escambia County, Alabama" 
by Annie C. Waters. 
Laurie Blackshear
I need to see the following subject line for all lookups:
Lookup - Escambia, AL
 1850, 1860 and 1870 Escambia County Census
Lois Danley
Place name of county and year in subject line, otherwise, email may be deleted because of so many viruses being sent through email.


Books We Own- Lookup Service

 Cyndi's List of Lookup Services

 Genealogy Helplist

 Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness

©2007 Kellie Crnkovich