The Choctaw County Genealogical Society


Mission Statement


Meeting Schedule

About CCGS

Place A Query in "The Choctaw Advocate"

The Choctaw Advocate
"Choctaw County's Oldest Newspaper"

  The Choctaw Advocate is distibuted weekly in Choctaw County, Alabama, and the surrounding area.
  To place a query, mail it to:

The Choctaw Advocate
P.O. Box 475
210 North Mulberry Street
Butler, Alabama 36904

  Or send a query by e-mail to:

[email protected]

  IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: Queries must contain the POSTAL ADDRESS of the sender, along with their e-mail address if they have one. Do not send your e-mail queries in DOUBLE SPACE or ALL-CAPS. Such queries will be deleted because we do not have the personnel to re-type them. Also, we can use only use images in the JPG or TIFF formats with a resolution of 100 dpi or greater.
  Queries will be published free of charge on a space-available basis. We also limit queries to CHOCTAW COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any surrounding county in ALABAMA or MISSISSIPPI. That's where the bulk of our readers are.
  Tom Jones
  Editor - The Choctaw Advocate

Society By-Laws


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Please report broken links to Randall Mason