BCGS genealogy record look up form

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Genealogy Record Look Up/Queries
For records in Baldwin County, Alabama.
BCGS - Baldwin County, Alabama


Guidelines to request information on birth, marriage, death, and other records in Baldwin County, Alabama. For requests submitted either by email or US mail:

-Please put SURNAMES in capital letters.

-Include known dates of birth, marriage, and death. Even approximate dates will help.

-Use standard genealogy dating, such as 30 March 1938 to avoid confusion.

-Mention Baldwin County in the request for information.

-Include your ancestor's (or person of interest) parents and children if known.

-Most importantly. Show WHO you are looking for, WHAT information you need, and where they lived if known.

-Try to give only a medium amount of information. Don't give the full history of the person you are looking for.

-Be sure include your name and mailing address or email address.


We wish everyone success in finding your ancestors!








The society and its members does not provide genealogical research for the express purpose of finding lost or missing relatives,
or to research and disclose information on living relatives.
There are many successful ways of identifying, locating and contacting living relatives, using other methods and resources.

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