springfield plantation


Springfield Plantation

Location: Six miles East of Eutaw Springs; Upper St. John's Parish, Berkeley Co., SC
Constructed: 1700's

History: Thomas "Pamor", an English emigrant, left three sons: Joseph, David and John, and a daughter, Elizabeth. John Palmer, who made a fortune out of turpentine on his plantation, Gravel Hill, in St. Stephen's Parish, commanded in his will that his sons forever after spell their names "Palmer" rather than "Pamor." The last will and testament of "Turpentine John," as he was known, has been rigidly carried out by his descendants in the spelling of the name. It was Turpentine John's son, Captain John Palmer, who purchased the tract now known as Springfield, some time probably before the Revolution, from Isaac Couturier and Thomas Palmer, the latter being the captain's brother. Captain John Palmer, apparently, never lived at Springfield. He settled Richmond Plantation, St. Stephen's Parish, in 1769 and lived there until his death in 1817. Though his chief interests centered in St. Stephen's Parish, his journal, now at Springfield, has many interesting entries regarding his activities on his "lands in St. John's Parish." As late as 1783 he mentions "planting indigo at Springfield."

Associated Surnames: Pamor/ Palmer

Associated Plantations: Gravel Hill (Berkeley Co., SC); Richmond Plantation (Berkeley Co., SC)

Associated Free White Names

Associated Black Slave Names


Description of Associated Architecture