rosedale plantation


Rosedale Plantation

Location: Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co., NC; Sugar Creek Community
Constructed: 1815

History: The history of Rosedale Plantation begins in the historic village of Charlotte. The plantation's founder Archibald Frew arrived in Charlotte in the late 1790s. Archibald soon bought property and opened a store in the village. In 1802 he began to amass land in the Sugar Creek community. Eventually Archibald Frew was the holder of a 911 acre plantation and upon this land he had constructed a lavish plantation home. It is unknown when the house became known as "Rosedale". The house was occupied in the 1830s by D. T. Caldwell and his family. Dr. Caldwell, in addition to his medical practice, ran the plantation with the support of approximately 20 slaves.

Associated Surnames: Caldwell, Frew, Davidson

Associated Free White Names

Associated Black Slave Names

Slaves of William Davidson

Slaves of D.T. Caldwell, some listed as families


Description of Associated Architecture

Research Leads