westwood plantation


Westwood Plantation

Location: Perry Co., AL
Constructed: 1834

History: James Lewis Price, who was born in Richmond, VA, and graduated from the University of Virginia, came to the vicinity of Uniontown in 1834, bringing with him a large number of slaves. Here he purchased lands in both Perry and Dallas counties. His "Westwood" mansion was erected near the northern boundary of Uniontown. Under the ownership of Col. and Mrs. Price, Westwood became a social center of the entire community.

In 1835, James Lewis Price became a captain in a military company, composed of men from Uniontown. He was still active in the militia in 1840, when he was a candidate for Colonel of the 32nd regiment, Alabama Militia. This planter, lawyer, businessman, and soldier married Louisa Adele, the daughter of General Schuyler Shearer, of Albany, New York.

Associated Surnames: Price

Associated Free White Names

Associated Black Slave Names


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