County of Ponoka GenWeb Project: Bluff Centre (Bluffton) School District
Bluff Centre (Bluffton) School District
The History
The Teachers
The Principals
The First School Board
District Quick Facts

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Some of the Teachers
The History of Bluff Centre (Bluffton)
Some of the Principals
Miss Bertha Hutton
(original schoolhouse)
The Bluff Centre School District was formed in September, 1907, with the number 1735 as its district number. Located centrally and surrounded by bluffs, the Bluff Centre School was built, and opened on July 6, 1909 but owing to its location, it was known as Riverside School. When the C.P.R. railway track was laid in 1922, the station was called Bluffton and gradually the school adopted this name. The original school was located approximately one-half mile nor th of the present-day school and served the community until 1940.
On April 16, 1909, eight hundred dollars was borrowed for the school building and for the fencing of the grounds (debentures were issued). Smaula Roberts was the carpenter engaged to erect the building and his bill for the school, desk, bookcase, and stable was $166.50. Edwin Roberts did the painting and oiling of the woodwork, and was paid $15.00 for this labour. The lumber bill totalled $366.35 and the hardware, $62.88. After all of the bills were paid, all that remained of the original $800 was $40.97.
Mr. Tom Dick
Mr. Henry Kolesar
Bill Morris
(new school built in 1940)
Mr. Ervan E. Stobbe
The 1st School Board
Mrs. Bill Morris
(new school built in 1940)
B.F. Craig
J.W. Donovan
Miss Cranston
(high school at Fred Hanson's house)
J.M. Parmelee
Miss Doran
(high school at Fred Hanson's house)

District Quick Facts
District/School Nbr:
First school year:
Original name:
Bluff Centre
First teacher(s):
Miss. B. Hutton
Date established:


Last school year:
Name changes:


Last teacher:


Later Bldg Usage:
Smaula Robert, carpenters
Edwin Roberts, decorating
Additional Information:
School called originally Riverside
$759.03 for bldg
School tax info:

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