County of Ponoka GenWeb Project - Cemetery History pg 4
St Peter's Lutheran Cemetery Water Glen Baptist Cemetery
Svea Lutheran Cemetery West Haven Cemetery
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery Zion United Church Cemetery
Twin Creek Cemetery --

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Twin Creek Cemetery
The six acres of land for this Usona district cemetery was donated by August LILLIEDAHL sometime after 1906. On the north side of the fence, there lies another small unamed graveyard on land that was owned by Mr. Johnson.
See a list of interments at Twin Creek Cemetery

St. Peter's Lutheran Church Cemetery
Prior to the consecration of the Church graveyard, parishoners were buried on the STEDEL homestead at 14-43-22-4 (which was later owned by the Falk family). First buried there was Henry Stedel at Christmas 1895. Others were buried there later and the graves moved in 1908 to the consecrated St. Peter's Church cemetery. Mrs. Mary Stevenson, a Catholic, was the first buried in the new location of the cemetery as there was not yet a Catholic graveyard. The first Lutheran to be buried in the newly consecrated St. Peter's Church cemetery was Martha, the infant daughter of Fred and Agatha SCHULTZ.
Based on information from several excepts from "Mecca Glen Memories"



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