whitehall plantation


Whitehall Plantation

Location: Annapolis, Ann Arundel Co., MD

History: Whitehall Plantation was owned by John Ridout, Secretary to the Governor of Maryland. According to a Maryland slave sale announcement (1767), Ridout acted as the agent for the sale of Kunta Kinte and 97 others "from the River Gambia in Africa to Annapolis ..a cargo of choice, healthy slaves" (from the Lord Ligonier slave ship). According to his will (1799), he mandated that his ca. 100 slaves at Whitehall Plantation be emancipated. Each slave family was bequeathed one acre of land and material to build a house. Descendants of the orignal slave families still live there today.

Associated Surnames: Ridout

Associated Free White Names

Associated Black Slave Names


Description of Associated Architecture

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